Thursday, December 31, 2020, 19:15
Pixel Critters
My youngest's birthday was coming up so I asked what he wanted for a mini build and he didn't know. He wasn't as interested in Lego as my oldest. He had recently purchased some Pokemon cards so I suggested making our own cards instead of a build. He loved the idea.
My plan was to use DriveThruCards. I had never used the site but have extensively used DriveThruRpg.

Monday, November 09, 2020, 15:43
Open Game Source: Pinball Disc Room
As part of the Disc Room Game Jam, JW released a tutorial on creating a simple Disc Room. To learn more about Godot, I recreated the game. The movement of the player was a little different but otherwise the game was about the same.
During the tutorial, JW explained that the safest area in the room were the corners. To prevent the player from hiding out in the corner, a disc rotated around the walls of the room. I pondered other ways to prevent the players from being in the corners. A tentacle creature which would push you back into the room was considered but I settled on a pinball theme with flippers.

Thursday, July 30, 2020, 23:45
Open Game Source: Smalltrek
To promote adoption of Gamerzilla, I've been spending more time on IRC. Someone on freenode's #gamedev channel mentioned Nim. The discussion wasn't about a game but I wondered if there might be something interesting to look at for Open Game Source.
Several games were suggested to me. The web version of Smalltrek impressed me.

Saturday, May 23, 2020, 21:24
Brick Monsters: Treant
The latest Brick Monsters release is available from drivethrurpg.com. The treant is an animated tree. They have been included in nearly every edition. Two builds are included as usual. The builds are very different. Even if you don't have all the pieces, the instructions might inspire you to create something with the bricks you own. The mpd file is included to allow you to conveniently order the parts using bricklink.com.

Tuesday, May 05, 2020, 14:25
Open Game Source: Seahorse Adventures 1.1
The python community had been converting from python 2 to python 3 for over ten years. Starting with Fedora 32, much of the python 2 infrastructure was removed. This included an unmaintained game called Seahorse Adventures. The original developer had moved onto other projects. Without someone stepping up to update the code, it had to be removed.

Friday, December 13, 2019, 21:27
Open Game Source: Marvellous Inc.
The Open-Source Community group on Steam had a list of open source games on steam. That was how I stumbled on Marvelous Inc. The game was described as "a zachlike coding puzzle open-source game." A coding game sounded interesting but I had never heard of zachlike.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019, 23:30
Open Game Source: Alchemy Quest / Open Alchemist
I had never heard of Open Alchemist when I was approached to join a project to make modifications to it. The game itself wasn't something I would normally play. The closest game I had played for any significant time was Puzzle Quest. Self imposed deadlines for other project would be negatively impacted. However a good two player puzzle game would be a great addition to the arcade machine.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019, 23:30
Open Game Source: Arcade Machine
My son's cub scout den built an arcade machine. The internals were an old computer. The television for graphics and sound were donated. The machine was shown off at the Blue and Gold dinner and we intended to use it for recruiting.
Given that we wanted two player simultaneous games. That way we can have more people actively playing than a solo game. Ideally the game should allow someone else to jump in when someone dies so we don't have to wait for the other player to die. As a community service organization, we wanted cooperative games if possible and open source. Everything needed to be controlled by keyboard keys as that is what the X-Arcade controls pretended to be.
Saturday, June 01, 2019, 01:54
New World: Classes
Most classes integrate without concern in the New World setting. Clerics, fighters, rogues, etc. existed in the Old World and are unchanged by the New World. However, the deals made to acquire the warlock's power are due to New World. This sections describes some of the classes needing additional information on how they fit into the New World.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019, 02:45
New World: Great Spirits
Despite being an important part of the campaign, I have not detailed the Great Spirits of the dragonkin very much. The Spring Tortoise was designed by the player who created the dragonkin cleric (who later became a rune priest). I planned to make an Ice Bear and a Coatl. Since dinosaurs are found in the New World, they should have at least one Great Spirit. Here are the completed entries.