Chapter VI: | The Werewolves of Coatlicue |
These Garou were originally Wendigos that were attracted to the south, where they communed with Quetzalcoatl and made him their Totem, renouncing the Wendigo.
This change was not a very radical one in terms of Gifts, as Quetzalcoatl, under the name Ehecatl, was Lord of the Winds as well. What changed was their outlook and their view of the world.
Quetzalcoatl commanded the Ehecatl to aid the Mage Tradition that served him: the Sons of the Winged Serpent. The goal of such an alliance was to bring knowledge and civilization; not in the sense of the deranged Weaver, but one that achieved a balance of the Triat.
Thus, the Ehecatl became teachers and spiritual guides, as well as guardians of knowledge, very different from their Wendigo ancestors.
Their domain came to an end when the Nahual (werejaguars) and the Nightspawn, the Bete and Mage servants of Tezcatlipoca, used sorcery to bring down Quetzalcoatl's reign. For this, the Ehecatl are the bitter enemies of the Nahual, and will attack them on sight.
Many Balam (original werejaguars) have been confused with their cousins and massacred, which gained the Ehecatl the Balam's eternal emnity.
At their best, the Ehecatl are kind teachers who seek the enlightenment of the disposesed; at their worst, they are savage and overzealous guardians of knowledge, some of them believing themselves to be the intellectual superiors of the Homids.
They have adapted to city life when there is no other alternative; those who brave the city are seen with respect, as they lengthen the reach of Quetzalcoatl into the Weaver and Wyrm twistedness.
Black Furies: They come from the home of wisdom, yet they didn't bring it with
Bone Gnawers: If they were willing, we would teach them much. Pity.
Children of Gaia: Wise in their ways, but they are too empyrical, they should
have more knowledge.
Fianna: Their legends bear an uncanny resemblance to our own, we must share
all we know.
Glass Walkers: They follow the path of the science that harms Gaia, should
they reconsider, we are here.
Get of Fenris: Raging maniacs, theirs is the fault of the loss of much
Red Talons: The Homids by themselves have amassed great knowledge, they are
our kin and should not be butchered.
Shadow Lords: The shadow of ignorance. Enough said.
Silent Striders: Good people who know much, they should teach it.
Silver Fangs: Amazing how a lineage that long can know so little.
Stargazers: Knowledge from inside is as good or better than the one from
outside, we hope to learn from them
Uktena: They hide what they know as if they owned their knowledge, but
knowledge belongs to all and to none.
Wendigo: Our distant kin is deaf to the secrets of the wind; they only hear
it's roar.
Wyld Runners: Good fighters, good guides. Their only fault is that they don't
teach all they know
Tlaloque: Their knowledge is that of the earth and life, they use it with good
Nahual: Stealers of knowledge and corrupters of light! Death to them all!
Kindred: They dwell in shadows not only of the physical. Think twice before
teaching them anything.
-"Subversive walking carpets."- Michelle, 9th.Gen. Ventrue
Mages: Ascension. That's a fine concept if they only agreed on the means.
-"They don't know shit of computers, what's the fuss then?". Martin, Virtual
-"Too much reading is bad for the eyes and it softens the claws".
Hippolita-Black Fury Ahroun
-"Okay, so there have been five suns. You can't eat them, what's the use?".
Pedro-Bone Gnawer Ragabash
-"They are too proud of their knowledge, but knowledge is not enough to help,
actions are needed too". Eva-Children of Gaia Galliard.
-"They tell fine tales; they can't howl a decent tune though." Ciaran-Fianna
-"What a bunch of smartasses" Miguel-Glass Walker Philodox.
-"You can't hide behind a book, and my claws are way mightier than their
pens". Jurgan-Get of Fenris Ahroun.
-"Teach the Apes to respect the Mother, then we talk". TornEar- Red Talon
-"Knowledge is a very dangerous tool that should be controlled, as they.".
Gonzalo-Shadow Lord Ragabash.
-"They are remarkable teachers, but they force their students to go to them
instead of the other way around". Kahleb-Silent Strider Theurge
-"Upstart pseudoscientists, they don't know everything". Corin- Silver Fang
-"A fine and fulfilling task, that of a teacher"- SingingStar- Stargazer
-"Those idiots are revealing everything!"- Claw-that-Runs-Uktena Theurge
-"The wind is not only the soft whisper of words; it's also the strength of
the hurricane" Cutterwind-Wendigo Ahroun
-"Wise men pursuing a great goal: knowing and teaching." Tohui- Wyld Runner
-"Too much theory, too little practice; but someone has to keep records".
Maria-Tlaloque Theurge
-"Pitiful dogs, they know too much too actually _know_ what to do".
-"They hold many secrets, it would be good to know them" Julian, 7th.Gen.
-"Knowledge is the seed of revolution, teach away" - Josefa, 10th.Gen
-"Use them and dispose of them, the wimps". "Navajas". 7th Gen.
-"Knowledge is only for the ones prepared, they should not give it so freely",
Don Luis, Dreamspeaker.
-"I agree with the Uktena; the idiots are revealing everything!", Matias,
Order of Hermes.
Mindspeak (Level 1) As the Galliard Gift.
Cutting Wind (Level 2). As the Wendigo Gift.
Speak with the Wind Spirits (Level 2). As the Wendigo Gift.
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level 3). As the Philodox Gift.
Sky Running (Level 3). As the Wendigo Gift.
Words of the Teacher (Level 4). The minions of Quetzalcoatl are comitted to the spreading of knowledge, and this Gift is often used to give the pupils a taste of the knowledge that can be achieved. By successfully rolling Manipulation+the Ability being taught the pupil can use that teaching for a scene and will afterwards learn that specific knowledge with less difficulty, that is, it will cost less experience points; if a Gift is being taught, the roll is Manipulation+(Teacher's Gnosis/2). The pupil can add to his Dice Pool the number of successes in the Ability/Gnosis roll, and the cost in experience of the Ability or Gift will diminish a number of experience points equal to the successes in the Manipulation roll (minimum of one). The difficulty number of the roll depends of what is being taugh and how well the teacher knows it:
* - ** | *** - **** | ***** | |
Skill* | 6 | 5 | 4 |
Knowledge | 8 | 7 | 6 |
Gift** | 10 | 9 | 8 |
The Ehecatl can reverse the Gift to learn by rolling Intelligence or Perception instead of Manipulation, whichever is highest.
Fangs of the Winged Serpent (Level 4). By rolling Charisma+Occult against a difficulty equal to the Gauntlet, the Garou can summon a servant of Quetzalcoatl and orders it to bite the victim's mind. For each success, the spirit reduces a point of all Mental attributes, starting with the lowest. The spirit will remain coiled and will drain another point per week automatically; it will also prevent the gaining of experience. Only by exorcizing the spirit or defeating it in Umbral combat can the points be regained ar a rate of 1 point daily.
Spin of the Calendar (Level 5). As Quetzalcoalt gave mankind the calendar, He can take it away; so the Ehecatl elders say as this Gift allows the Garou to change the conditions of the day to those of any other; night can become day, spring can become winter, the full moon become new, etc. This only affects the immediate area and lasts for a scene. The Garou must spend 3 Willpower points abd roll Gnosis, the base difficulty is 6, 8 if the change is to an opposite in the Cycle of time (dawn-dusk, spring-fall) and 4 if to an adjascent (summer-fall, dusk-night).
Quetzalcoatl: The Toltecan god of knowledge is the
ultimate Totem of Wisdom, but he talks little with his followers, trusting
that the teachings he imparted long ago are not corrupted. If asked directly
and in dire need (and it means DIRE, such as the awakening of Cthulhu), he
will appear and invest the caller with his power (Storyteller's discretion).
He awards 500+ Renown in Wisdom.
Ban: Don't allow the truth to be concealed.
Background cost: 8
Long ago, a pack of Uktena wandered south into toltecan lands, and were confronted by the Celestine Tlaloc in homid guise. Tlaloc was disguised as a sorcerer and immediatly picked the young Uktenas' interest. They became his apprentices and learned the value of all life, and learned that magic has its uses other than power itself. They became healers.
When Tlaloc revealed himself, they embraced him as their totem, and named themselves Tlaloque, after the god's jagglings. From that day onward they roamed the country healing the people and the land, never denying anyone their care, establishing caerns of healing and tending them lovingly.
They remained carefuly outside of all politics, be them Garou or homid, and tended the wounded after every battle. The Aztec Empire treated them kindly; they befriended the Wyld Runners and the Ehecatl, and gained the respect of the Nahual. When the Spaniards came, they retired quietly to the countryside, and thrived as town doctors, using white man medicine to conceal the use of their Gifts, never as replacement.
They know a great deal about herbs and the use of crystals for healing, and they are included in every rite they perform. Their moots are quiet affairs, an exchange of experiences around a campfire.
They delight with all of Gaia's small wonders and are the ones that suffer most when wanton pollution is brought by civilization, trying desperatly to heal their homelands.
All their quietness and kindness disappears when confronted with the Wyrm and It's manifestations; they will attempt to save anyone corrupted, but if all hope of recovery is lost, they will destroy, shedding tears for the victim. The Black Spiral Dancers are the epythome of corruption in the eyes of the Tlaloque, and their attempts at healing them of the Wyrm's influence will be only halfhearted.
Black Furies: Violence never achieved anything, they should reconsider their
Bone Gnawers: They are the ones most in need of healing.
Children of Gaia: They fight for life in fronts we don't dare approach.
Fianna: Their healers take a back seat to their singers and fighters, but they
are there still.
Glass Walkers: Homid medicine is close to blasphemy of Life, they better stay
as clear as posible.
Get of Fenris: We prefer not to speak of them, but we will still treat their
Red Talons: They care for the Land in ways too violent. The Homid's life is as
sacred to Gaia as theirs.
Shadow Lords: Nothing can keep us from our task, not even they.
Silent Striders: They are like wayward children.
Silver Fangs: Their minds are sick, but they refuse to be healed.
Stargazers: The secrets of Gaia and Life lie in the earth, not in the
Uktena: Tlaloc showed us that Magic is meant for the good of all, not just
the self.
Wendigo: The answer to healing the land is not by murdering or expelling it's
cancer, it's better to make the cancer heal itself.
Wyld Runners: They move too much to make an impression on anyone's life; once
settled, that's a whole new story.
Ehecatl: Too much theory, too little practice; but someone has to keep
Nahual: They have embraced the darkness, but in darkness lies wisdom also.
Kindred: They are beyond healing. Walking death is a torture we will not allow
to spread.
-"Pitiful Red Cross wannabes"- Michelle, 9th.Gen. Ventrue
Mages: They are too egotist, few care about healing.
-"Don't talk to me; talk to a Verbena". Martin, Virtual Adept
-"They are too good to be true". Hippolita-Black Fury Ahroun
-"Man, give me a Tlaloque over a dry bone anytime". Pedro-Bone Gnawer
-"Admirable the way they can give themselves". Eva-Children of Gaia
-"Lugh was a healer too, but also a bard and a warrior." Ciaran-Fianna
-"They are so caring they are as scary as the Uktena" Miguel-Glass Walker
-"They have their use". Jurgan-Get of Fenris Ahroun.
-"Healers of body and land, they hold a place close to our hearts". TornEar-
Red Talon Philodox
-"Argh! Ignorant do-gooders!". Gonzalo-Shadow Lord Ragabash.
-"Oasis in the middle of a desert.". Kahleb-Silent Strider Theurge
-"How dare you call me sick!". Corin- Silver Fang Philodox
-"Though the form differs, our love for Gaia is as strong"- SingingStar-
Stargazer Galliard
-"Weak magic they practice, but magic nonetheless"- Claw-that-Runs-Uktena
-"They are too tolerant, they are either cowards or saints" Cutterwind-Wendigo
-"Noble men; tending the suffering, they never hesitate to help us, nor our
enemies.". Tohui- Wyld Runner Philodox
-"Their knowledge is that of the earth and life, they use it with good
measure.". Xilacatzin-Ehecatl Philodox
-"The only Garou worth talking to". Patricio-Nahual
-"Their useless magic is nothing compared to ours" Julian, 7th.Gen.
-"They are the only weres I know that actually protect life" - Hugo, 12th.Gen
-"Their fight is already lost". "Navajas". 7th Gen. Huitzilopochtli.
-"They are much in contact with Gaia and her spirits", Don Luis,
-"All life leads to Death, they try to make it as kind as possible, they
deserve to live", Mondragon, Euthanatos.
Mother's Touch (Level 1). As the Theurge Gift.
Spirit of the Fish (Level 2). As the Uktena Gift.
Hands of Health (Level 2). The Tlaloque have excelled in healing over the centuries, and the Hands of Health are an excellent proof. By succesfully rolling Intelligence+Medicine, the Garou is able to heal any kind of wounds to any kind of creature; including vampires and herself, or rather remove an illness. For wounds, the difficulty is the actual wound level+2, be it normal or aggravated. For illnesses, the difficulty is judged by the ST ranging from 2 (a common cold) to 10 (AIDS). The numbre of successes determine the wound levels healed; the ST must determine how many are needed to cure an illness. Note that a terminal disease should require a _lot_ of successes, making the use of this gift seem like a rite. 1 Gnosis point must be spent for every turn this Gift is used.
Call Water Spirit (Level 3). Similar to the Uktena Gift "Call the Flame Spirit", the Tlaloque can summon a water spirit from such small sources as her own spit. The water elemental will perform a task for the Garou, such as exinguishing small fires (and fuses), shorting out electronic equipment, soaking a bullet's gunpowder or making the floor slippery.
Charm of Axolotl (Level 3). By means of this Gift, the Garou can make herself look so desirable that her victim will come promptly to her and just _stand_ looking. A succesful Appearance Empathy roll against the victim's Willpower will render the victim defenseless; all roll against her have -2 difficulty. The number of successes indicate how many turns this lasts. A Willpower point must be spent to maintain this fascination from thereafter.
Beast Life (Level 4). As the Lupus Gift.
Casting to Tlalocan (Level 4) Tlalocan is the shard realm inhabited by Tlaloc; acording to legend, all who die by drowning go there. By successfully rolling Wits+Occult against a difficulty of 7, the Tlaloque can cause a level of aggravated damage per success by causing all liquids inside her victim (saliva, blood, intestinal juices, sweat, tears, etc.) to choke and clog the organism. This attack is specialy dangerous to Kindred, since they _also_ loos a Blood Point along with the damage, as it's the very Blood that turns against the vampire. A side effect of this gift is that it frees ghouls from their masters, if they haven't passed their point of death, they continue to live normally; if they have, they die instantly.
Invoke the Spirit of the Storm (Level 5). As the Wendigo Gift, but it only works for rainstorms.
Tlaloc's Blessing (Level 5). If a Gnosis roll succeeds against a difficulty set by the Storyteller, the Tlaloque can bestow Tlaloc's gift of fertility upon a creature or an area. This automatically cures any illness, removes Blight for some time and banishes any Wyrm creature from the person or area. The Wyrm spirit resists by rolling Willpower against the Garou's Gnosis. As with Hands of Health,the Storyteller should determine difficulty and successes needed (toxic waste should be almost impossible to remove). The cost is 2 Gnosis per turn.
Tlaloc: One of the oldest gods, he is a totem of
Wisdom; his care is for all the land and the living, and is brother to Gaia.
He supports caerns of healing, and his followers are very dynamic in their
duties: they risk the perils of Weaver and Wyrm ridden areas to bring solace
and healing to those inhabiting there. If chosen, Tlaloc will award renown in
the form of 200 Wisdom and will grant the use of a free _Tlaloc's Blessing_
each day; if the Garou is of too low a rank to perform the gift, Hands
of Health or Mother's Touch is granted instead.
Ban: Never deny healing; not even to your enemies.
Background cost: 8
When the american continent was still being populated, along with the Uktena and the Wendigo came a small pack of Silent Striders who kept traveling when the other Garou had settled. This pack suddenly disappeared, breaking contact with their fellow Garou, and also with their Totem.
Centuries later, the mexica people left from the fabled Aztlan, and began traveling south; with them, came the Wyld Runners, the descendants of those vanished Silent Striders that had found a Gate to another world and returned.
The Wyld Runners are now very different from the Silent Striders, they love the roads, but not for the sake of travel alone; they consider that every journey must have a destination, and toward that destination all effort must lean.
Once a Wyld Runner takes the road, there's little in the world that can keep him from reaching his goal; for this, they became the perfect messengers and guides; they cannot get lost, and rather die than fail in their tasks. For this, they are allies of the Templar Knights (at
As the journey south continued, many packs claimed several territories along the way, until they reached the Texcoco Lake, where the Aztec founded their capital city.
Once their Kinfolk reached their destination, some Wyld Runners dispersed, looking for more goals, but many stayed, serving later as couriers for the Aztec emperors. Their uncanny speed and relentless march served well.
Today, most Wyld Runners live in the wilderness among their Kinfolk and, even as dispersed as they are, can summon and reach each other with astounding swiftness. Once settled, the Wyld Runners like to be undisturbed, and are very zealous of their Kinfolk, as they are their responsbility. As they believe that they have achieved a Goal by settling, they are extremely territorial; if found as a sept, their Goal will be the protection of the caern and they will protect it fiercely.
They favor the Wyld, but see the Weaver as just part of the scenery; the Wyrm, though, is attacked fiercely, as It seeks to destroy all goals and journeys. They believe that everyone has a Goal, and the right to pursue it. For example; the Wyrm has the right to pursue the goal of destruction; but the Garou have the right to set their Goal as to stop it. They are broad minded, and judge the individual by his own merits.
Their Totem is Teonanacatl, the Divine Flesh, as they call the peyote mushroom. They also call it Mezcalito with fondness, and it allows them to travel spiritually as well as physically.
Black Furies: All that rage wasted! They can't see their destination as their
anger cloud their eyes.
Bone Gnawers: They are lost to themselves, they think they are where they want
to be, yet they suffer.
Children of Gaia: They seek to lead the Garou toward peace with the Homids,
that is a worthy and difficult Goal and we must respect them for trying.
Fianna: They may be fine bards and warriors, but are too full of self to truly
embrace their goals.
Glass Walkers: The roads they travel are unknown to us, as they are
artificial. However, they are too attached to their homes.
Get of Fenris: Savage, bloodthirsty, their travels mean death to those they
encounter; they have corrupted the meaning of Journey.
Red Talons: Too centered to be free, theirs is a goal we cannot approve.
Shadow Lords: They stagnate the journeys and want to keep everyone from
traveling free. They are against us; be wary of them.
Silent Striders: They run, but they never reach.
Silver Fangs: Poor leadership is like a blind guide.
Stargazers: They take the inner paths; we wish them to find what they
Uktena: No one knows what their Goal is, the Wyrm stalks them.
Wendigo: Their Goal is to drive out the white men, but now the white men are
also part of the land.
Ehectal: Wise men; their goal is knowing and teaching.
Tlaloque: Noble men; tending the suffering, they never hesitate to help us,
nor our enemies.
Nahual: They are dark and foreboding. It's better to avoid them.
Kindred: They are individuals with individual goals, should they endanger
ours, they die.
-"The only difference is that these furries speak spanish"- Michelle, 9th.Gen.
Mages: Same as the leeches, but much more dangerous.
-"The what...?". Martin, Virtual Adept
-"Hmph. Vagabonds". Hippolita-Black Fury Ahroun
-"Why travel so much, all I could wish for is in this nice, damp alley".
Pedro-Bone Gnawer Ragabash
-"If only they could stay...". Eva-Children of Gaia Galliard.
-"Dinna we fought them at El Alamo?" Ciaran-Fianna Galliard
-"They certainly know how to move, but they can't beat a plane, a fax or my
trusty Net-Spider" Miguel-Glass Walker Philodox.
-"Cowardly runners, we could shred them apart anytime". Jurgan-Get of Fenris
-"Masters of the Wolf Run, we respect them, but they protect the Apes too
much for my taste". TornEar-Red Talon Philodox
-"Rebellious pups; they are anarchistic and unreliable". Gonzalo-Shadow Lord
-"They constrain themselves with an objective; by their destination they limit
their freedom". Kahleb-Silent Strider Theurge
-"Hmmm". Corin-Silver Fang Philodox
-"Too much time traveling can be hard for the spirit, they are strong"-
SingingStar-Stargazer Galliard
-"Perfect explorers of the Umbra; they could gather us much knowledge"-
Claw-that-Runs-Uktena Theurge
-"It's a surprise that they tolerate the white Homids violating their lands,
they should fight!" Cutterwind-Wendigo Ahroun
-"Good fighters, good guides. Their only fault is that they don't teach all
they know". Xilacatzin-Ehecatl Philodox
-"They move too much to make an impression on anyone's life; once settled,
that's a whole new story". Maria-Tlaloque Theurge
-"Just another bunch of ignorant wolf-get". Patricio-Nahual
-"We could learn much from their secrets". Julian, 7th.Gen. Tremere.
-"They are closer to us than the other Garou". Sergio. 13th.Gen. Gangrel.
-"My Sire tells me they served us once; they will again". "Navajas". 7th Gen.
-"Noble creatures, wise in the ways of the spirit", Don Luis,
-"Strange heretics, but at least they respect us", padre Manuel, Celestial
Balance (Level One): As the Stargazer gift.
No Obstacle (Level Two): By spending a Gnosis point and succesfully rolling Wits+Enigma, the Wyld Runner is able to overcome any obstacle by jumping to the Umbra for mere seconds and spoting the weaknesses of said obstacle. The difficulty is the Gauntlet of the place. Stoping dead in the tracks is the result of a botch.
The Shortest Way (Level Two): By rolling Perception+Enigma versus a difficulty depending of the complexity of the surroundings. The result is that the Wyld Runner knows the layout of the terrain and can choose the shortest way between two points. The wrong way is chosen in case of a botch.
Power Walk (Level Three): One of the most impressive of the Wyld Runners' gifts is the Power Walk. By rolling Stamina+Occult against a difficulty of 7 and the expenditure of 1 Gnosis point, the Garou can walk undisturbed at double her running speed. The Garou _appears_ to be walking, but at incredible speed. Any pursuer must make a Willpower check against the Wyld Runner's Gnosis or believe that she is walking and loose her trail. In addition, she gets one extra die per success should she wish to use the No Obstacle gift.
Open Moonbridge (Level Three): As the Ragabash Gift
Pass the Cargo (Level Four): By spending Gnosis and rolling Dextery+ Occult, the Garou can "teleport" an object she is carrying to the hands of her relay. The object must be something she is moving from one place to another, and the relays must be set beforehand. The difficulty is the Gauntlet, as they throw the cargo into the Umbra, wherein a spirit delivers it to the relay by reforming. The spirits involved must also be foretold. For this purpose, many Wyld Runners make talens. The amount of Gnosis spent depends on the size/weight of the object; being 1 the minimum (a small box with a cake) to a maximum of 4 (a Crinos sized coffin full of stones).
Fist of the Spirit (Level Four): A battle gift developed to protect the message or the charges of the Wyld Runner. The Garou rolls Rage against a difficulty of 6 and spends a Willpower point per attack (this is used to pierce the Gauntlet, as if she was stepping sideways). By using this gift, the Wyld Runner strikes her enemy with her spirit body in the Umbra, while her physical body remains immobile; she can use all maneuvers listed in the rulesbook and they make the same damage, but instead of basing it on Strength, its based on the Gnosis rating. To soak the damage, the victim must make a roll with as many dice as the Gauntlet against a difficulty of the victim's own Willpower, unconsciousness and fever result if this roll is botched.
Grab the Wylding Lines (Level Five): By rolling Gnosis against Gauntlet, the Garou is able to see and grab the minor ley lines that criss cross the planet. Willpower is spent to achieve the following effects:
It's also possible to use Weaver Lines, such as computer connections and such, but the cost in Willpower is double, and a botch means that the Garou is trapped in the Pattern Web until freed.
Reach the Umbra (Level Five): As the Silent Strider Gift
Teonanacatl: The living spirit of the peyote
mushroom, Teonanacatl helps his followers travel in the physical and the
spiritual realms. Once per day, Teonanacatl will grant the Garou with the
highest Gnosis instant travel to the Umbra, and the rest of his pack an extra
die in a stepping sideways roll. Teonanacatl is a Totem of Wisdom, and will be
very picky about his followers; those who go into Frenzy too often will lose
face with him, and must prove their worth or be cast away from him. He awards
300+ Renown in Wisdom.
Ban: Those who follow Teonanacatl must be guides to any who asks for
Background cost: 6
Spirit Whistle.
Blowing this whistle will summon a spirit that will carry an object to a designated person. This talen must be used along with the Gift Pass the Cargo.
Rite of Calling
Level 1
This call will reach the ears of all Wyld Runners, much more stronger then the Call of the Wyld gift, as this reaches no matter distance, and no matter location.
The Shadow of Life
Level 4
A dangerous rite only known to a few Theurges; this rite allows a single target to cross over to the land of the dead: the Shadowlands. Each success in the Rituals roll means 1 hour in the dreaded place. At the end of the duration, the traveler returns to the Umbra, but must make a Gnosis roll (diff.7) to reattune herself to the energy of Gaia. If she fails the roll, she stays ina catatonic state until the next morning. Cannot be botched.
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This page was done by Alejandro Melchor, and last modified in 25/Sep/1995