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Re: Xwpe compiling Java

Could you post your changes to we_prog.c?  Also, what version of Java are
you using?


On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Ronnie wrote:

> Hi, I was looking the source code and i think it could be cool for xwpe to
> compile java, and even generate a .html and open it with appletviwer,
> anyway, i changed the code , in the file we_prog.c for some javac options, 
> and everything was right, but then i try to compile, it give me a message
> like this
> javac: invalid arguments:
> but i am using valid arguments, what could it be..
> or maybe i am change something in a bad way, please . help
> 		      /\    
> 		     \\ \   
> 		    \ \\ /        Ronnie Alfaro H 
> 		   / \/ / /      Contaduria Pública
> 		  / /   \//\       Ing.  Sistemas        
> 		  \//\   / /
> 		   / / /\ /   1601 NW 97TH AVE., UNIT C-101	             
> 		    / \\ \         P.O BOX 025216
> 		     \ \\     SJO 3583 MIAMI, FL 33102-5126
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