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Re: man pages in xwpe on SCO

"Brian K. White" wrote:
> two questions about the man-page reader in xwpe:
> I'm trying to get xwpe to find the man pages better on SCO without
> breaking use on other systems
> SCO has man pages in /usr/local/man/man.1 .2 .3 .n etc... instead of
> man1 man2 man3 mann etc...
> and SCO has many pages compressed with .Z as well as .gz

> next:
> also in we_fl_unix.c
> line 3560:
>       if((k > 2) && (strcmp(df->name[j] + k - 2, ".gz") == 0))
> How to add one of these that checks for ".Z" also ?

ok little update...

in we_fl_unix.c I took this section starting at line 3559:

      /* If the file is gzipped strip the .gz ending. */
      if((k > 2) && (strcmp(df->name[j] + k - 2, ".gz") == 0))
        k -= 3;
        *(df->name[j] + k + 1) = '\0';

and added a modified copy just after it.

       /* If the file is gzipped strip the .gz ending. */
       if((k > 2) && (strcmp(df->name[j] + k - 2, ".gz") == 0))
         k -= 3;
         *(df->name[j] + k + 1) = '\0';
>       /* If the file is compressed strip the .Z ending. */
>       if((k > 2) && (strcmp(df->name[j] + k - 1, ".Z") == 0))
>       {
>         k -= 2;
>         *(df->name[j] + k + 1) = '\0';
>       }

And that seems to be working quite nicely.
this is for 1.5.20a
