From: Andrew JACKSON Subject: SWRPG: Andrew and Naomi's Force Powers Well, as promised, here they are: (Naomi, if you're reading this, read the non-RPG stuff on the first three.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MENTAL TRANSLOCATION CONTROL: Difficult + proximity SENSE: Moderate REQUIRED POWERS: emptiness (or rage), hibernation trance, remain conscious, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, shift sense, farseeing, projective telepathy TIME TO USE: three rounds to prepare + duration of power (see below) SUMMARY: This power allows the Jedi's mind to leave its body & wander in almost any direction through almost any obstacle. DETAILS: From the Journal of Savuud Thimram, a partial copy of which was recovered in the ruins Mount Tantiss (1): "I have learned that the puny Jedi of the Old Republic knew of a Power that allowed the mind to walk free of the body. Although the weakling Jedi describe it differently, I have found that Will, used to control Awareness can easily duplicate the effect. The mind floats free of the body under voluntary control. As describe in the ancient tomes, perception is limited to only two senses, even for one as powerful as myself. Although movement is described as being slow by the ancient Jedi, the Dark Side has revealed to me that much faster speeds are obtainable. Objects, such as chairs, tables, walls, even the ground itself, are no obstacle and can be moved through freely while maintaining the limited degree of perception. Neither water nor the vacuum of space hinder or harm the mind. I have found this power useful in plotting against Gwellib Ap-Lleweff, because I can observe him and his followers without their knowledge. (2) [at a later date:] "...although I think the Ap-Lleweff has found a way to detect my unique method of spying. I will exercise caution. As I write this, it occurs to me that the Master may know of this Power and use it to monitor us or anyone he chooses! A sobering thought. I must find a way to block such mental intrusions..." Garv Debble, Chief Archiologist of the Mount Tantiss Excavation Team notes: (1) Savuud Thimram, one of the Emperor's Dark Side Adepts, apparently wrote this journal. It is believed that the Emperor encouraged his Adepts to record their research. This is an anomaly because, historically, proponents of the Dark Side are so paranoid, suspicious, and untrusting that they rarely recorded any of the knowledge of the Force, lest it fall into the hands of someone who could defeat them. In this respect, the Emperor was himself unusual, because he actually taught at least four powerful students (two of which were Skywalkers and who both ended up killing the Emperor) and was also a proficient author on the philosophy of the Dark Side of the Force. (2) According to Jedi Skywalker, Ap-Llewff is the stronger of the two. The two adepts continously jockeied for postion in the Emperor's court. Each plotted the downfall of the other and guarded their secrets closely. The Emperor seemed not only to enjoy this, but actively encourage it as well. It is beleived that, by use of this power, Thimram was able to "catch up" to Ap-Llewff and close the gap of power (both Force and political). It is not known if Thimram found a "shielding" substance, and/or if the Emperor knew of and used this power. When using this power, the Jedi's mind can leave his/her/its body and travel away from it in any direction, through any physical obstacle. The physical Universe cannot harm the Jedi's mind (unless hypnotic/brainwashing or other mind-affecting stimuli are perceived). The Jedi uses the Force to perceive the surroundings, essentially duplicating the function of normal sensory organs. However, due to the complexity of this power, the Jedi can only use two "non-interactive" senses to perceive the environment (Jedi's choice; eg vision and audition)--the sense of touch or any sense that would require "interaction" with the environment CANNOT be used. Attempts to use "interactive" senses, results in only one sense being available. If this too is an interactive sense, the Jedi is totally blind and cannot return to the body (no senses). The non-corporal Jedi may move at a maximum rate of 10m/round, unless a "Heroic + proximity" control roll is made--then maximum movement is 1km/round (i.e. 200m/s). The user's body dehydrates & hungers at TWICE the normal rate. Proximity modifier is based on the furthest extent of intended distance (declared before the skill rolls are made). Should the Jedi wish to go beyond this limit, a new Control roll must be made, modified by the increase in intended distance. Failing this roll results in the mind-body connection being broken, and the Jedi being unable to inhabit his/her/its former body. (NOTE: It is believed that the Emperor used a modification of this power to break his mind free from his body at the moment of his death on the 1st Death Star. This suggests it may be possible to use Force Powers while using Mental Translocation--such as Transfer Life!). The only method of detecting the presence of the incoporal Jedi is by using Life Detection. Obviously, detection of the Jedi in this manner is nearly always accidental. NOTE: In order to find the way back to and reinhabit the body, the Jedi must make a Moderate Control roll WARNING: Despite the aspirations of Savuud Thimram, this skill CANNOT be used to inhabit bodies other than the original host. Also, while using Mental Translocation, the body is very susceptible the the Transfer Life Force Power (treat as "recently dead body). NOTE: In the third book of Kevin Anderson's triology, it seems likely that Luke and Exar Kun are both using this power, although it is involunatary on Luke's part and a way to cheat death on Exar's part. It is also obvious that, using the Force, Jedi in this state CAN affect the physical world (although this increases other Force Power difficulties by two levels). The last point to be made from Anderson's book is that two "minds" meeting in the same location can also effect one another through the Force, as though they were "real". Please read the novel for further information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORAL TRANSLOCATION CONTROL: Heroic + (2x proximity) SENSE: Difficult ALTER: Heroic + (2x proximity) REQUIRED POWERS: absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing, control pain, emptiness or rage, force of will, hibernation trance, remain conscious, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense force, shift sense, telekinesis, farseeing, projective telepathy, accelerate another's healing, control another's pain, return another to consciousness, transfer force, doppleganger, mental translocation TIME TO USE: 1 round to prepare + duration of power + 1 round for "reassembly" SUMMARY: This power effectively transports the Jedi over long distances. DETAILS: Jindar-alz-Footz, a tenured Jedi Master at the now- abandoned Jedi Academy on Masyron VI, and his apprentice, Sphalta Dor, published the following Short Communication in Volume XXI of the journal "Force Phenomena" (Fo. Phe.) (1): ------------------------------------------------------ LESSONS FROM WALITISS III: AN ALTERNATIVE TO BOOKING PASSAGE ON INSTERSTELLAR TRANSPORT Jindar-alz-Footz and Sphalta Dor We have discovered an 2157 year old manuscript in the archaelogical dig on Walitiss III in Sector G-17f1 of the Outer Rim [now in Corporate Sector]. This paper details the abilities of Qitar-Som, the ruler of the Walitiss System at that time (Senar & Forth, 4578). Although many of the Som's powers have thought to be slight of hand (Hessit & Jasnuck, 4569; Jomart & Skyclinger, 4576), we believe that this manuscript supports the claim that Qitar-Som was a Force User. The unknown author describes in detail the...[Footz and Dor here quote the manuscript numerous times and provide their interpretations. To summarize: they explain the account of Qitar-Som walking on water in terms of Telekinesis, they show how the Som later parting a great river was probably Warp Matter, they explain the Som's "resurrection" was actually effected by Hibernation Trance, they explain Qitar's numerous healings and "exorcisms" in terms of Accelerate Healing and Cure Another's Disease, and they argue that Qitar-Som did not actually turn the ocean as red as blood but instead was an example of Affect Mind. However, the most interesting ability of Qitar-Som they cannot explain...] We cannot explain, however, the apparent ability of the Som to travel from one place to another nearly instantaeously. The author insists that Qitar-Som could be in the Throne Room at one instant, disappear, and reappear in his chambers, the marketplace, or even another continent. Having a good understanding of electronics (Fisnar & Randelt, 4575), the Walitiss civilization documented this ability. Apparently the Som could travel from one continent to another at about six times the speed of sound (on Walitiss III--see Fisnar & Randelt, 4575). Later in his rule, Qitar-Som is described as being able to travel between planets of the Walitiss system in this mysterious manner. Calculations by the Walitissian author show that the Som's interplanetary travel was faster than the speed of light! This is far beyond the capabilities of the Walitiss civilization's transportation system. Preliminary research (supported by Republic Research Counicil grant #578f-57b44-709^^1x) sugggests that Qitar-Som may have been travelling through hyperspace or a Force-equivalent using his putative Force Powers. We have recreated the short-distance corporal translocation described by the author of the Walitiss III manuscript. Our calculations show that the speed of translocation is very close to the speed of sound on Walitiss III (5.79x the Galactic Standard for sound waves--see Appendix A). However, due to the unfortunate death of Hablar Nunv, we are reevaluating our methods. Detailed below are our preliminary methods. PLEASE NOTE: these methods are VERY preliminary and have proven to be hazardous, resulting in the death of the inexperienced, but talented Jedi Hablar Nunv. [here Footz and Dor describe their methods, which can only be understood by Masters of the Force who have taken many years of Academy training] This is one of the most difficult Powers a Jedi can learn. Corporal Translocation, as Footz and Dor call it, allows disassembly of the Jedi's constituent molecules. The power then transports them a certain distance and reassebles them. The Force user effectively enters hyperspace (although this is actually not known) and can move the constituent atoms as a 10X hyperdrive. Note that nearby gravity wells have no effect on this power. A different mechanism seems to be used for short distances (on a planet , for example). For these short distances, treat as 10km/rnd (Mach 6 on Earth, ok Mach 6.006). The proximity modifier is based on the furthest extent of intended distance, declared before the skill roll is made. Generally, the user must be familiar with the destination, preferably having visited and studied it before. If the Jedi is not familiar with the destination (it was described to the Jedi; the Jedi only visited it for a few minutes; etc, GM to arbitrate), there is a +20 modifier to the control roll. Failure of the Control roll affects the location of reassembly. Roll 1D: 1 = Forwards 2 = Right 3 = Left 4 = Backwards 5 = Up 6 = Down These directions are relative to the desired position of the Jedi at the destination. Use of a character point before this roll gives a -1 modifier to the direction roll. The distance moved in the indicated direction is 2D% of the intended distance travelled. Attempting (intentional or accidental) reassembly in a space already occupied by another object results in the death of the Jedi in most instances. NOTES: (1) Fo. Phe was discontinued after Volume XXVII (approximately 6500 years before the Empire) due to lack of quantifiable data and subscribers. The scientific community generally ignored the Journal, considering it an extension of the "Journal of Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomena". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARP MATTER by Andrew Jackson & Naomi Machell ALTER: liquid - Easy solid: malleable - Moderate hard - Difficult (metal, wood, concrete) v. dense - Very Difficult (hulls, reinforced metal walls) gas - Very Difficult MODIFIERS: size: 1 cubic cm - +0 1 litre, 1000 cubic cm - +10 1 cubic metre - +25 10 cubic metres - +35 in between sizes: scale based on above REQUIRED POWERS: telekinesis TIME TO USE: 1-12 rounds, scaled by difficulty number WARNING: CANNOT BE USED AGAINST MACROSCOPIC "LIVING" MATTER SUMMARY: This power allows the Jedi to mold a volume of matter to a new shape. The Jedi must be able to touch some part of the object to be molded. This power does not destroy the matter, merely changes its shape or position (much like a very advanced telekinesis). The effect is permenant. DETAILS: - Using this power, the Jedi can affect and literally change the world around him/her/it. Using a more advanced form of telekinesis, the Jedi coaxes millions of atoms and molecules to move as he/she/it directs. While the Jedi is not individaually controlling each particle (as the Jedi must in the "Oxygen Bottle" exercise--page 74-5, Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments From the Rim) but rather all of the particles in concert. - The fact that it is easier for the Jedi to affect the volume of matter as a whole, rather than as distinct particles is reflected in the harder difficulty of managing gases with this Power, than some solids or liquids. NOTES: The Jedi Master Yindo-ola wrote in his tome "Interactions Between the Force and Reality" that "no volume greater than that enclosed by 10 arms long by 10 arms wide by 10 arms (1) tall, should be subjected to [Warp Matter]. Distortion of volumes greater than this tend to become unwieldy, even in the hands of powerful and experienced [Jedi], and what can only be called 'rifts' or 'rips' in Reality are created. These exact nature of these rifts are unknown, but we will try to create a controlled rift in an effort to study them. It should be emphasized, however, that use of this Power on a small scale, does not seem to draw upon the Evils within the Force. We have heard of some Users attempting this Power on living beings, but, thankfully, we have not heard of any successes."(2) (1) Chief Historian Sifra Otans, at the Sector University on Goltin notes: Yindo-ola was a Kalecki, a race now believed extinct. The Kalecki arifacts indicate that their units of measurements were based on the length of their King's appendages. (2) Some time after this, Yindo-ola and his disciples disappeared in what was called by an anonymous observer: "..a great storm that came from nowhere to swallow them like so many morsels. It was as if reality itself had turned against them...". However, this not believed to be due to use of this Force Power per se. For several hundred years after the disaster, the Kalecki Jedi were producing magnificant sculptures from all types of matter. The surviving scrolls from this period show that these sculptures were created by the mind, without ever touching the medium...Scuptures made from running water were also depicted in these scrolls, although it is difficult to believe such thing is possible... (it is, The Emperor calls the Force Storms...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REMOVE FORCE IMPRINT SENSE: Moderate ALTER: Moderate REQUIRED POWERS: postcognition, sense force, hibernation trance TIME TO USE: < or = 1 cubic metre 20 minutes 10 cubic metres 4 hours 100 cubic metres 1 week 1 cubic kilometre 1 year (+1 year/0.5 cubic km) SUMMARY: - this power removes the Force imprint left by a Force user (or the ambient imprint) on an object or area. When another Force user "Senses Force" on the object or area, add +10 or the "Alter" roll, whichever is higher, to the difficulty. DETAILS: - Force users associating with an area or object often leave "Force imprints" on that object or area (it is also possible to have a Force imprint without association with a Force user.) Some imprints are ambient imprints, but stronger imprints are left by Force users interacting with the object or area. Using the Force in near the object or area greatly increases the Force imprint. - this imprint can be detected as per Sense Force - since this detection may be to the detriment of the Force user, it is sometimes desirable to "erase" it - the Jedi must sense the force imprint and painstakingly remove it. This power requires intense meditation and the Jedi must go into a trance to erase all of the imprint over long periods of time - short breaks may be taken every week to eat and drink, but the power must be "kept up" and the delay must not be more than 10 minutes - while in the Remove Force Imprint trance, the Jedi must NOT be distracted by any large stimulus (eg a loud bang or shout, a slap , an etremely strong smell, etc) - after finishing, the Jedi should leave the vicinity of the object or area, preferably within 24 hours. Contact longer than this increases the probability of a new Force imprint being created. - using the Force--after erasing the imprint--near the object (convert cubic metres to metres of distance, eg 100 cubic metres=100 metres from the object or place is "near") creates a new imprint. NOTE: Removing the Force imprint of a Force Nexus, especially a Dask Side Nexus (as per the Dagobah Cave) is extremely dangerous for you mental health (GM to arbitrate ). The Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi may have used this to periodically reduce the intensity of his Force imprint on Tatooine. This may partially explain why the Imperial Inquisition (see Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim) was unable to locate this Jedi during the Jedicide. Note that there was no Dark Side Nexus to balance out the Jedi Knight's presence as there was for the Jedi Master Yoda. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you ever wonder how Dhar Bullwin, the Dark Magician, was able to procure the aid of the "magical construct" called "The Homonculous" in WEG's Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts? Were you not satified in the explanation that "well, he's a magician doing magic stuff" in a universe whose primary mystic power is the Force? Well, despite the change in semantics, Dhar _did_ use the Force, although he may not have called it that. And here is a Jedi rendition of the Force manipulation he used to create that annoying beasty. Oh, except unlike Dhar, the Jedi of old had a few other Force constructs up their sleeves. The tattered remains of ancient scrolls found on the sizzling remains of Dhar's body indicate that the ancient Jedi used the Scout Homonculous and the Burden Homonculous with the most frequency. Creation of the Assassin Homonculous was strictly forbidden. Note that I consider this power like I do Doppleganger: its use is not a Dark Side point per se, it's what you do with the power that can give you the Dark Side Point. This power does _not_ create a living creature, just a reasonable hand-drawn facsimile. The creature is a construct of the Force, a mixture of illusion and matter and the Force. It is _not_, however a hallucination, it is quite "real" to all the senses and can permanently affect the universe (and characters' lives). CREATE HOMONCULOUS CONTROL: Difficult SENSE: Very Difficult ALTER: Heroic REQUIRED POWERS: absorb/dissipate energy, control pain, life detection, life sense, receptive telepathy, farseeing, projective telepathy, affect mind, control mind TIME TO USE: 1 hour (deep meditation) EFFECT: - creates a Force construct that can be controlled by the Jedi, yet also has some degree of "free will". - One of three types of homonculi, the Assassin, Scout, and Burden, can be created (for stats, see below) NOTE: the creation of the Assassin homonculous requires an element of hatred and anger be used. For this reason, and for the associated evil intent, creators of an Assassin Homonculous _automatically_ receive a Dark Side Point at the time of power use. - Once the homonculous is created, this power need not be kept up. However, a Difficult Sense roll is necessary to use the creature's senses as the Jedi's own. This done, a moderate Control roll allows communication/command of the homonculous. - Any life force the creature may seem to have is simply a physical manifestation of the Force and while the homonculi are capable of limited independant thought, they tend to simply follow the last command given. - When the creature suffers damage greater than a wound, it begins to disintegrate, then fade, and finally returns to the dust its physical form was created from. TYPES OF HOMONCULI: * use of character points during creation of the homonculous increases one skill one pip over attribute and beyond base skill level listed below. Note that all homonculi have the same number of base attribute and skill dice (+/-). ASSASSIN: DEX: 3D (dodge 5D, melee combat 4D) PER: 1D KNW: 2D STR: 2D MEC: 1D TEC: 1D SIZE: 50 cm MOVE: 10 walking, 15 gliding DESCRIPTION: bat-like wings, sharp teeth & claws, long tail, dark brown/green/gray. Like a pterodactyl with a stubby jaw. SPECIAL ABILITIES: Poison claw glands: secrete a poison onto claws 2D damage vs. STR - if poison higher, all stats -1D per point higher (any stat=0, character unconscious) - lasts 3 hours - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCOUT: DEX: 2D PER: 3D (search 5D, sneak 4D) KNW: 1D STR: 2D MEC: 1D TEC: 1D SIZE: 50 cm MOVE: 10 walk, 20 fly DESCRIPTION: feathered wings, dull beak, short claws, broad tail, colour determined by creator SPECIAL ABILITIES: acute vision: +2D to visula searches auditory sensitivity: +1D to audio search - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BURDEN: DEX: 2D PER: 1D KNW: 1D STR: 4D (lifting 6D, stamina 5D) MEC: 1D TEC: 1D SIZE: 100 cm MOVE: 10 walking DESCRPITION: flat back, furry, stubby stout legs, set low to ground, small dull teeth, muscular, climbing claws SPECIAL ABILITIES: climbing claws: +2D climbing webbed digits: +1D swimming