From: Finn Kelland Subject: Villainous Beasties! BLACK ANNIS 'Hamish pulled his collar tight against the biting air, the vapour of breath melding into the tendrils of mist. The light began to fade. Dusk. "Damn car", he muttered, glanciing back at the dim silhouette of his predicament. Only a mile across the highlands to home. The moist grass and heather a blanket beneath leather shoes, the light a soulless grey, the mist devouring sound. He crested the hillock, glancing down towards the warm lights of habitation, and sighing with relief began a cautious decent down the slippery slope. A dull crack. "Ow!", he looked down beneath his feet at the cause of his discomfort; a thick white branch. Cursing, he carried forward. 'Crack! Rattle!', he almost fell, his foot entangled. "Bloody hell!!", he made to kick the round white rock...he stopped. Eye sockets!? His heart stopped in time, numb and cold, he felt limbless. for eternal moments he stood transfixed. His legs began to run... Fingers clutched him like a vice, the scream racing to tear from his throat, cold talons entered his mouth and he gurgled a pathetic sob. gazing into that one malevolent eye, his heart shredded'. Black Annis is the nightmare of the Scottish Highlands. For centuries tales have been told, but the Highlanders of yore knew better than to dismiss such stories. She roams the wildlands and glens seeking the flesh of the living, the warmth of life in fresh blood, and she is ever hungry. Unique and solitary, terrible and cunning, and fond of human flesh. As men have fled the wilds to live in the cities, her thirst has grown, and she uses sheep to sustain her. Many are the farmers who lose sheep or find their broken bones, but woe betide the incautious traveller. She is a hideous hag, blue of hide with a single piercing eye. Thin, but filled with unholy strength, her flesh is cold, her hair long, black and lank. Breath of fetid decay, her long dirty claws seek purchase. Black Annis Willpower 7, Rage 6, Gnosis 7, Power 45 Charms: Materialise (Power cost:22; Str 5, Dex 3, Sta 4, Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 2, Intimidate 3, Stealth 4, Claws Str + 1, diff.6; health 7) Reform BOKWUS 'Tree Healer, kin of the Wendigo, made her way through the ancient woodland. A warm and gentle midday sun, cascading in shafts of light through the canopy overhead. The soil, rich, dark and aromatic beneath her moccasined feet. She opened her beaded pouch, reaching into the dark recess, feeling it writhing beneath her touch, clammy and slightly sticky. Sunlight danced golden off the pristine river ahead of her, fish leaping at clouds of flies. Undefiled nature. But not if Tree Healer had her way... The Dancers on the Black Spiral had shown her the 'truth' of reality. The 'lie' of Gaia. This river fed the Wendigo spet downriver. A simple matter to pollute and defile both water and Gaias garou. She reachd the waters edge, kneeling slowly on a smooth cool rock, and grinning insanely withdrew the fleshy and ichorous phial from her pouch... A flurry of movement. Half twisting to scream she hit the water. It fills her lungs, floods her eyes. Her last sight, a grim aquiline face, scrolled with totemic warpaint, and powerful arms holding her under...' Image: Bokwus are ancient members of Wendigos brood, serving him when he was Sasquatch, and now as Wendigo. Guardians of northern forests, each woodland has a single Bokwus protector. Grim, determined and stoic, they never speak, going about their task with singular purpose. Bokwus appear as wirey and aquiline Native Americans, covered with totemic warpaint, but otherwise naked and unarmed. Habitat: The woodlands and forests of Northern America. Spiritual Correspondences: The single-minded protection of natural reserves and woodland. Material Correspondences: Bokwus can only manifest in the woodland they protect. Items of larch, spruce or fir are favoured for summons. Bokwus will only allow themselves to be bound into fetishes made of such woods, and only if the forest they were defending has been destroyed or utterly corrupted. In this case they will allow themselves to be bound, but the fetish owner must swear an oath to punish those responsible for the destruction and attempt to rejuvenate and heal the woodland if such is possible. Gift Lore: Any gifts associated with woodland or trees. Taboos: Bokwus can never engage in any act that would harm their protectorate or any other natural area. They are the mortal enemies of those who do. Attitude: Aloof, silent and determined with friends. Aloof, silent and violent to enemies. Chiminage: The supplicant must aid the Bokwus in its caretaking and guardian task for a variable length of time depending on the request, disdaining civilised trappings and living off the land with only the tools nature provides. Bokwus Rage 8 Willpower 8 Gnosis 6 Power 40 Charms: Cleanse the Blight, Disorient, Forest Sense, Hide, Hold, Materialise (Cost: 26; Str 5, Dx 5, Sta 6, Brawl 5, Dodge 5, Stealth 5, 8 Health Levels), Reform. CHENOO '...the twisting and insane call of the Whippoorwhill hounded Thoughtful Gaze of the Wendigo as the rocky ground blurred with motion beneath his paws. The Black Spirals were gaining... The crescent moon, the moon of his birth, slcied through the velvet dark of the night sky illuminating the silhouette of a rocky mound ahead. He smiled inwardly... Reaching the mound he turned to face his twisted and baleful pursuers. Growling with pleasure he uttered a single word: 'Chenoo' The light of Luna was suddenly blackened as 3 giant humanoids rose behind Thoughtful Gaze. The Black Spirals new they were doomed...' Image: Chenoo are unusual earth elementals, prone to constant conflict among themselves, making the areas they inhabit rumble and crash as they uproot trees for clubs and fling boulders at each other. Despite this they rarely hurt each other and put all differences aside (at least for the meantime) to help Gaias garou. They appear as vast (15' tall and nearly as broad) crude humanoids of mossy rock, lumbering, with rumbling voices. They only ever take action at the request of, and in the presence of, Gaias defenders, remaining hidden and unconcerned otherwise. Habitat: They inhabit rocky outcrops, natural piles and rocks and boulders, and rocky hills throughout the northern states. Material Correspondences: Stones and soil. They refuse to be bound. Gift Lore: They can teach all gifts associated with their element. Taboos: Chenoo must always touch the earth. If they leave the ground, they lose 10 Power per turn. Attitude: Quarrelsome among themselves, but neutral to others. They will aid Gaias garou if asked and given chiminage, but only really enjoy the chance to beat up enemies. Chiminage: Siding with a Chenoo in a quarrel gains its respect but also earns the dislike of the Chenoo you argued against. Keeping their habittat clear is always appreciated, as is promising to leave them alone and not bother them in the future. Chenoo Rage 10 Willpower 5 Gnosis 5 Power 40 Charms: Armor, Hide, Materialise (Cost: 35; Str 10, Dx 2, Sta 10, Brawl 3, Melee 3, Club+4, 12 Health Levels). CU SITH On lonely nights across the Highlands runs Cu Sith. His haunting howl echoing through the glen. Lone dog of the Fae, he has no pack and treads without sound. The glorious past is dead to Cu Sith, the days when he would take mortals to Arcadia, long gone. Yet he remains, and roams still, a reminder of ancient times to both Changeling and Garou. Cu Sith is a hound as large as a bullock, with a dark and glaucous coat of fur, his tail long and braided. Neither evil or social, unfathomable and cunning, he keeps his own council. He speaks with no-one. He should be played as mysterious and evasive, but has been known to appear and aid Garou and Changelings in dire need, only to slip away again and vanish. Cu Sith Willpower 9, Rage 7, Gnosis 8, Power 50 Charms: Materialise (Power Cost:32; Str 6, Dex 6, Sta 6, Alertness 5, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Stealth 5, Bite: Str + 1, Diff. 5, Health: 10), Airt Sense, Reform, Grasp the Beyond (as the gift), Blissful Ignorance (as the gift). Cu Sith can always enter the Arcadia Gateway. KELPIE (ECH-USHKYA) 'Tired from the revel, Cullyn Murdoch strolled in the light of Luna. Steam rose from his fur in the cool night air as his form twisted to that of man. Naked, he rejoiced in the cool caress of the eve's breeze and brushed his thick black main back from his sweating brow. He let out a howl of jubilant joy, torn from his lungs at the beauty of Luna's shimmering reflection in the loch's black waters. Surely no Galliard had felt such joy?! Parched with thirst, he knelt to sip of the waters. He barely had time to scream... The terrifying Kelpie (Ech-Ushkya in Gaelic) is an ages old horror of Scotland, the evil and twisted water-horse, render of flesh. They live in the bogs and fens, lochs and rivers, waiting for likely prey. Devious shape-shifters, they favour two ploys: Appearing as a splendid young horse they can lure the curious near, allowing them to mount, and springing the trap. The hapless victim will be firmly held, unable to dismount as the victorious kelpie dashes into the water, drowning the poor soul and tearing her flesh. Sometimes the form of a human suits their needs, and they lurk in cover or fein distress. They pounce when the prey is near, crushing them in a deadly grip and dragging them underwater... Territorial and aggressive, only one kelpie is present in any single stretch of water or loch. Kelpies revel in storms, wailing loudly and galloping across the waters surface. Kelpie (Ech-Ushkya) Willpower 7, Rage 7, Gnosis 7, Power 30 Charms: Materialise (Power Cost: 20; Str 6, Dex 3, Sta 5, Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Stealth 5) Reform, Shapeshift, Surface Attunement (as the gift), Hold K'UEI 'Tso Silent Fist of the Stargazers rose from his meditation. Something had disturbed the flow of oure Chi around him. Moving cautiously towards the wooden and paper panel of his domocile, he paused. The faint stench of death and coruption tingled his senses...Wyrm taint. With the barest of thoughts his form twisted instantly, pulsing with muscle and sinew. Crinos. The wise are prepared. His ears prickled at the sound of movement outside, and cautiously sliding the panel back he glanced outside. Seeing his garden clear he leapt in a swift and fluid motion to it's centre. More room to maneuver. Calmly he surveyed the landscape around him, assessing possible tactics, and taking a defensive stance he waited... They appeared from the copse of trees at the end of the garden, advancing directly towards him. Tso gazed calmly upon the twisted demonic faces and skeletal bodies. This would be a fight indeed...' Image: K'uei are evil demonic banes of China, serving the Wyrm by tracking down and attacking those garou who displease it. They operate in small groups of 2-10, and appear as skeletons with leering, twisted, demonic faces, and curving claws. A good rule is 2 per rank of the garou. They have been known to track garou beyond the confines of China. K'uei Rage 9 Willpower 6 Gnosis 5 Power 25 Charms: Airt Sense, Materialise (cost: 22, Str 5, Dx 3, Sta 4, Brawl 4, Tracking 4, Claws+2, Health Levels 10).