Australia (concept by Benjamin Vandgrift ( Vampires have never cared for the loosely populated Australia. Only the Gangrel seem to have any interest in the country. Over the entire continent there only two Princes. As there are no wolves some Gangrel have adapted Protean 4 and 6 to equivelent Dingo forms. There are rumors that some Gangrel have even learned the form of the tasmanian wolves. The Vampires are concentrated in the cities due to the Werewolves in the wild. The Garou had originally used the Australian landscape to deposit those exiled from the Garou. Violence flared between the exiles and the native Bunyip tribe. The Stargazers tried to warn the Tribes of their mistake in sending the exiles away for others to deal with. Only with the destruction of the Bunyip did the Garou learn their error. A Grand Moot was called and agreed that the Australian lands shall remain pure of further Garou activities. When the Wyrm turned to these untouched lands the descendants of the outcasts rose up to defend the land. The Werewolves have survived by breeding with the Dingos. Their knowledge of Garou is limited to what has been passed done by the original vagrants. They have allied themselves into tribes similar to the Garou tribes in the rest of the world. * * * The South American Landscape (by Krassyus P.Monteiro( The great numbers of Garou in other parts of the world and the fierce defense of Bastet and Mokole' caused the Wyrm to turn its attention elsewhere. Only about 30 years ago it began to pose a real treat to the land. There are a number of troubles to deal with in other parts too, and the Uktena Garou in the continent aren't enough. As example the "Pantanal Matogrossense," a marsh- land that is an important ecological site and that is not part of Amazon. There are also the other national parks that usually are not properly cared of. These are part of their problems too. The "garimpeiros" ("gold searchers") and other of their kind do a great deal of damage to the environment and to the na- tive people, and the authorities cannot keep an eye in all of them. Except for a few Uktena, Black Furies, Bone Gnawers, Silent Striders and Children of Gaia, most of the other Garou in Brazil are of foreign origin. There are also a number of Get of Fenris near Argentina, where germany descen- dings set themselves. As a matter of fact, save Amazon, the other Garou came only in the last decade and dwell near great centers. There is a number of european Garou caerns along the brazilian coast but they are a recent thing, if not, they would impede the destruction of the "Mata Atlantica" (Atlantic Wood- land). Some of the Curupira caerns is now shared with Uktena. The more important Caerns: * Rio de Janeiro: a multitribal caern held by Silver Fangs of portuguese origin it is the oldest Garou caern in Brazil. * Corumba: in the "Pantanal," basically a Uktena-Stargazer shared caern with a few Black Furies, Children and Wendigo there. Curupira and Wendigo elders are now preparing a party to return the leadership of Brasilia's caern to Pure Ones' hands (see below). * Brasilia: which for its central location as well as political importance, it has vital importance to the control of the politics of national parks. This is also a multitribal caern. It was lead by Uktena until recently when a Shadow Lords' machination had changed that to their hands. Here there are a good number of European Garou (because of the embassies), as well as Uktena. The caern is in the Brasilia's National Park outside the city. The Rest of the Continent: Except for the rest of the continent Argentina is the most european like country. In Argentina there are no more autochtons. People there are of spannish or italian descending and as so there exists a number of scattered caerns, most of european Garou. The other countries have a mix of spannish and native culture and descending. In the northern part of South America (above Brazil) there are also a good number of dutch, french and english colonized territories that are a real Babel of races. * * * Vatican City (concept by Timothy Toner ( Many vampires reliezed they couldn't afford another inquistition and formed the Camarilla to hide all trace of the vampires. The vampires of the Vatican saw another way by convertly controlling the group that seeks their destruction. The power of the faith within this regions keeps the majority of vampires out. Only those invited into the area may enter. At one time this power was abused, but the current residents carefully monitor each other for signs of corruption. The residents have worked to increase the size of the global herd by banning birth control and abortions. They also convertly control many of the hunter organizations.