H E L L : the Punishment. H E L L By Dagon Made available on INTERNET by TROY (what a woman). The following text is about Hell and Devils. The content can best be used as an sub-rpg for White Wolfs World of Darkness and I use the given description of Hell mainly to unify the metaphysical realities of Vampires, Werewolves, Magi and Wraiths (and Immortals, by the way). The following article is not finished by far, but I like to receive ideas and criticism (I must be mad). This article can be used and abused by any who see fit, but if (in the unlikely event) someone earns hard bucks because of my labors, I will skin him alive if I get my hands on him. Use this article, change it but if you are inspired, please let me know and I will try to update this version regularly. By the way some more: the internet adress troy@bart.nl is a temporary adress. That's not my E-mail adress. I think I have access there for at least the coming months, but don't expect response after less than a week. 0.0 INTRODUCTION When I first started out with this project I relished the idea of being criticized, nay, attacked on the contents of this book. I thrive on being attacked, especially if the attacks come from White Conservative Americans. Generally I like americans (as long as they have liberal ideas), but I despise the classical White Conservative American. This work is partially written with that desire in mind; to undermine, corrupt and eventually destroy an institution and establishment. I don't generally like to burn people or even desire to eradicate ideas. Nazi's do that. -The enemy destroys ideas-. I like ideas to thrive and grow, and be crowded out only because nobody likes them anymore. I sincerely hope that because young americans start playing with the conceps described in this book, they'll become estranged from classical conservative christian archetypes and eventually escape from said indoctrination. I hope such an estrangement will lead to people in the Roleplaying/Storytelling community becoming free; free of game-manufacturers trying to brainwash them, free from game-manufacturers earning millions by selling cheap, worthless pulp and free from frantic, fascistic governments that are way past their "still fresh" -date. Let There Be Nothing Believable. 0.1 I.O.U. In this book I wish to thank several sources for them having inspired me. Anton Sander Lavey [For sticking out his neck], Clive Barker [For true genius], H.R. Giger [For true inspiration], Ridley Scott [For making nearly all the best movies], White Wolf Games [before white wolf became just another buttfucking TSR], Metropolis Games [Before they lost their spine and originality], TSR [By showing the world the essence of cowardice and corruption] 1.0 HISTORY 1.1 GENERIC CHARACTER TRAITS 1.1.1 FATUS 1.1.2 CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES 1.1.3 CHARACTER ABILITIES 1.1.4 The Immortal 2.0 THE LINEAGES When Hell was young there were only one kind of devils. When history was young only fallen angels lived in Hell, but after thousands of years many new creations and abominations have made Hell a common home. .ABANDONED ANGELS The most unnerving story, that is even denied by many devils, is the tale of the Abandoned. These beings appear as classical angels. They have been abandoned by God and insist that God is dead, has committed suicide or has been starved into nonexistance by the irreverence of humanity. The Abandoned Angels are rare in Hell, but do frequent Hell, for Heaven is inaccessible and Earth is unbearable to them. .BEASTLORD Beast Lords are diabolic monsters descendant from the beasts of earth and the spirit world. All vileness and cruelty in nature is created by, propagated by the Beast Lords. From the insidious cruelty of the killer wasp to the voracity of the great white shark, beastlords carry this original evil within them and they are testament to the inherent darkness in nature. Beastlords appear as a chimera; a monstrous crossbreed between various types of animals, maybe with some (minor) human characteristics thrown in. .DEMIMORTAL Numerous mortals became devils overtime. Many dictators, evil kings, legendary sinners or evil magicians ascended to immortal diabolic status. Other mortals have died, have suffered such hatefull torture at the hands of the slavekeepers, and have become diabolic in their own right. Mortals who attain devilhood are not the most respected in Hell; most consider them upstarts and plebians, but some of these have sizeable influence and intimidating powers. .DEMONAI Demonai are simply the residual devils that don't fit in, are (considered) degenerates, have little seperate idintity or power. They are generally humanoid and may have any of the characteristics of the other diabolic lineages, but generally horned and look like the classical devil. Many of these are the pathetic remains of once powerfull devils who lost a large potion of their hellish anima. .DRACONIDES It is a hostly debated issue in Hell if Dragons (and their descendant devils, the draconides) were there before the fallen Angels. There are numerous old artefacts and ruins in the forgotten reaches of Hell that suggest that there was a Hell before the Fallen Angels (and maybe even before God) and that there lived horrid wyrms within it. Many of the Ancient dragons sleep in caverns and few devils dare face them. But the younger descendants, the cruel Draconides are one of the major species of Hell. .FALLEN ANGEL Fallen angels are part of the mythology of Iehova, the one that is known by many names. The story states that the universe was created, or formed from premieval Chaos by a patriarchal Supreme Deity, an omnipotent God. Shortly after crafting raw chaotic beings (the titans) God created Angels, who had dominion over the parts of God Kingdom. But when man was created and was given creative power and a free will, Angels rebelled against God. Many Angels were rejected from God's side and had no repose than to flee into the bowels of hell. Many Fallen Angels look either as misformed angels, as scarred humans (some not so scarred), or their hatred has waxed into a hideous form untill they resemble Beast Lords. .HELL ELEMENTS Hell elements are quite rare in Hell; many have little or no individual conciousness but some can be quite powerfull. They rarely involve themselves with the infernal politics but as they are difficult to destroy they are a factor in Hell. Elements are mostly a unifying term for those evil spirits that appear as swarms, giantic amoeba's, sentient herds of beings. A Hell Element can appear as a swarm of insects, a mass of rotting organs and corpses, a giantic amoeba, a mountain of molten lead or a storm. They need not involve natural elements. .LILLIM Many devils trace their lineage back to Lillith, the Dark Mother. Lillith was the first wife of adam, the first mortal given creative powers. According to Legend she committed an ultimate sin; she used her free will to deny the patriarchal auithority of adam and desired to impregnate him. Other legends state she ate both from the tree of life and the tree of knowledge. Whatever happened, God banished her to the spirit world. There she became impregnated by numerous beasts and she gave birth to abominations. As her fate was unbearable even outside Hell, she fled into Hell where there is no creative potential, and where her involuntary birthing halted. Lillith leaves numerous spawn, many of whom are considered demons, but some of her progeny have remarkable powers, even in the mortal world. .NEPHILIM Some angels who fell from the Heavens had committed sins of lust and created progeny with mortals. Many of these get are immortal and seek nothing but to forget what they are and what they might have become. Most Nephilim wander the earth as immortals without any cause, but a Hell holds a sizeable portion of Nephilim. Diabolic doctrine holds Nephilim part in contempt and part in awe and Nephilim hide their origins and masquerade as one of the other Ancestries. .NECROTIDES Rot and decay is a strong factor in Hell and this unnatural force has corrupted many devils and spirits. Necrotides are those Devils who worship, are ruled, are dominated, have fallen prey to death in any of its forms. Necrotides can be vampires, skeletal monsters, dark cold emanations or anything else associated with death. .NIGHTMARE Rarely, but increasingly less rare in these day and age, attain nightmares sufficient power and become real. Nightmares are phantoms of evil intent, frustration and fear. They are one of the rarest ancestries in Hell. Though they have no creative power, they are powerfull in Hell and difficult to destroy or oppose as long as the vice, sin or pain that is their genesis is propagated on earth. For instance a Nightmare created by "date rape" is fed by continuing date rape on earth and will do anything in it's power to continue date rape on earth. Other lineages may eradicate certain sins in order to eradicate certain Nightmares. .PAGAN Many pagan deities existed as Gods before the Law of Iehova. Their existance poses a dilemma to the fathfull in Hell. Did they once have equal status to God or were they just powerfull spirits with delusions of grandeur? Whatever the truth, many pagans sought refuge in Hell and became diabolic. Though not all pagan devils have become evil and sinfull, many are cruel overlords. Pagan devils can be any prechristian deity and they remember their divinity and can have various stories about their fall. Most fell into Hell in the middle ages. For instance Pan (sater) lives in Hell, together with formerly nordish, celtic and babylonian deities. .SERPENTS Though many consider the serpents Draconides, they consider themselves the first rebels against God, even before the Fall of Angels. Serpents are not powerfull as an institution (their treachery being the blame for that) but in Hell their influence is feared. Serpents appear as serpents or semi-humanoid reptilian beings. All are venomous. .SPAWNS Spawns are crossbreeds between devils. All have been created by the various types of devils foraging outside Hell and interbreeding. Such couplings are rare but the libido of Devils is legendary, hence Spawns are not uncommon. Spawns combine characteristics of two or more lineages and are as a rule quite hideous. They are relatively weaker in spirit than most other devils and most of them are plebian. .TITANS Few beings in Hell can remember the time before creation. Most devils consider these beings liars and consider a "time before creation" a paradoxal statement. Titans, next o draconides, make claim to being firstcreated or even having existed before God manifested himself. Many titans are not humanoid, but most appear chaotically assembled human giants. Most titans are monstrous but some appear as mostly human beastlords. Titans can be dangerous adversaries and many of them are physically very large in Hell, sometimes towering over castle walls. 3.0 THE ASCENSION WAR 3.1 DISINFORMATION The backbone of the whole ascension war is that no being in existance knows what truly transpired. Scripture can be changed, reality can be altered and little evidence remains trustworthy for long. In the end it only matters for what you find the will to believe. This is the same with the Angels that were abandoned by Iehova, the Devils who spat out Iehova, the Demons who didn't believe anything anymore and the the Nephilim who could't care less. 4.0 POWERS OF THE HOSTS ANIMAL FORM (rank 1) This allows the devil to assume an animal form. The form is real. The devil has mastered to turn into one animal perfectly, but can change into other animals flawed. If the transformation fails to some degree, the animal looks diabolic (mutated). ASTRAL PROJECTION (rank 1) The devil learns to leave Hell in an astral form. His diabolic body enters a comatose slumber and must be protected. The astral devil is considered an impure essence and referred to as a "demon". If the original body is slain or dispersed, the spirit can rematerialize in Hell, but only as demon. The spirit can manifest on earth with applicable powers. ANIMATE THE DEAD (rank 1) The devil can command corpses. The corpses animate and do the bidding of the caster as zombies. The zombies are generally more powerfull, if their psyche was sinfull in life, but average mundane do nicely. Some corpses do not animate. BLESS (rank 1) The devil or angel can bless events, people or places on earth. The bless affects use of a mundane skill or ability. CALL ANGELS (rank 5) This rare ability calls angels. The angels appear shortly. The type of angels that appear is random, but in Hell most likely watchers will appear. CALL WATCHERS (rank 5) This ability specifically calls for watchers, even elsewhere than in Hell. The Watchers appear shortly in Hell, but their coming forth on Earth might take a day. CHANGE CAUSALITY (rank 3) Devils change the likelyhood of events occurring, or the causality of events. This can be a miraculous event. Feces eaten might emerge as food, fire might burn ashes coal into its original state, etc. This ability can be used to cure wounds, but only if the agent of the wound (the sword that inflicted the wound) was used to "cut the wound away". CHANGE MEMORIES (rank 4) Powerfull devils routinely adjust the memories of inferiors. The devil must be aware of the memories of the devil in question, and as mindreading of even the least devils is extremely difficult, the adjustment takes the form of an instruction. The subject may remain unaware, but often the change is used as torture. CHANGE SCRIPTURE (rank 1) A very common ability; the devil can change any scripture, any written text (and incidentially: any disc, any storage medium, any video message) he is aware of. The power does not affect scripture in a different geographical region and is impotent against text that describe true metaphysical relationships. CLAIM SOUL (rank 1) This ability allows a devil to claim a soul. This is very basic ability and devils (even spirits) that visit earth often use it. The devil must witness a sin he has affiniation with and if the sin is sufficiently vicious and/or materialistic, the devil can claim the mortal. The mortal will (most likely but not automatically) come to the devil in question. Interfering factors might be (a) a superior devil having claimed the soul, (b) a likelevelled devil having claimed the soul earlier (c), divine interference (d) the mortal receiving absolvence of some sort for the sin. COMMAND MORTAL (rank 4) With this power a Cherub can inspire a mortal to obey him for a short period of time. This is achieved through verbal commands, and is of varying effect as a Cherub's power increases. COMMAND THE DEAD (rank 1) This ability grants devils the ability to command wraiths as slaves. The wraiths must obey the devil in any manner as he sees fit. COMMAND VAMPIRES (rank 2) This ability grants devils the ability to command vampires as slaves. The vampires must obey the devil in any manner as he sees fit. COMMAND WEREWOLVES (rank 3) This ability grants devils the ability to command werewolves as slaves. The werewolves must obey the devil in any manner as he sees fit. CONTACT MORTALS (rank 3) This ability allows the devil to make contact with a mortal meeting several requirements; (a) the mortal must desire infernal aid, or something to that effect (b) the mortal must have passions that agree with the devil's passions, (c) the devil must manifest in dreams, visions and other subtle signs. The devil need not leave Hell for this undertaking. CONTRACT (rank 2) This ability allows a devil to invoke angelic names and fragments of the name of Iehova in a legal document, to the effect the document is binding. These contracts become gibberish when modified by change scripture, and such an act can alert the invoked entities. If the cosignator signs the document, there is an agreement the devil is bound to follow (mostly) as well as the human. Agreements of this sort are forbidden on earth since the renaissance, but occur nonetheless. CORRUPT MORTAL (rank 3) CREATE ALTER EGO (rank 4) This creates a second body. The body resembles the normal diabolic body, but is in fact of tainted essence, and any carefull study will show it as a demon. The alter ego is creation of the original and the original can absorb it as he sees fit, as long as he knows where it is. Occasionally the alter ego has different ideas. CREATE DEMON SELF (rank 3) This ability creates a tained essence which is easily revealed as a demon. Demons are treated as proles in Hell. The demon may be slain, but the original is unaffected. The largescale creation of demons is called rallying, and as the devil can give his demon self any shape he sees fit, the demons generally look hideous. CURSE (rank 2) This is the Devils's counter thesis to Bless. Where the Cherubim can strengthen mortals through the use of will, the Devils can use there will to make mortals more likely to fail. DAMN SOUL (rank 5) This is the power that the Devils use to `claim' the souls of mortals. In the past the Devils have been known to develop very intricate plans and schemes to trick mortals into taking their coin. Virtually anything goes in this effect. DEMATERIALIZE (rank 3) This dematerializes a devil. The devil vanishes in thin air. Most powers do no longer affect the devil. If used in public, this is cause for hilarity amongst devils and the devil/demon using dematerialization is branded a coward. Assassins will dematerialize without qualms. The devil can travel as dematerialized spirit, unless faced by wards. DEPART MORTAL (rank 2) DISPLAY SEXUALITY (rank 1) This allows devils to understand and display sexuality. Devils generally become very good ar doing so, if they have learned the basics. This ability allows a devil to seduce another devil, or even an angel (rarely) and have sex, or whatever the devils in question consider sex. ENSLAVE MORTAL (rank 5) This ability allows a devil to perpetually enslave a mortal being, untill the moment of his death. If the mortal was particularly virtuous, the devil should keep this slavery a secret as angels might interfere. The slavery is total and the devil can make the mortal experience every wicked detaill of the slavery to the fullest. ENSLAVE THE DEAD (rank 2) This ability allows a devil to perpetually enslave a wraith. There is no means to escape this bond, exept killing the devil somehow. If the wraith was particularly virtuous, the devil should keep this slavery a secret as angels might interfere. The slavery is total and the devil can make the wraith experience every wicked detaill of the slavery to the fullest. ENSLAVE VAMPIRES (rank 3) This ability allows a devil to perpetually enslave a vampire. There is no means to escape this bond, exept killing the devil somehow. If the vampire was particularly virtuous, the devil should keep this slavery a secret as angels might interfere. The slavery is total and the devil can make the vampire experience every wicked detaill of the slavery to the fullest. ENSLAVE WEREWOLVES (rank 4) This ability allows a devil to perpetually enslave a werewolf. There is no means to escape this bond, exept killing the devil somehow. If the werewolf was particularly virtuous, the devil should keep this slavery a secret as angels might interfere. The slavery is total and the devil can make the werewolf experience every wicked detaill of the slavery to the fullest. ENTER MORTAL (rank 2) This power is similar to the basic ability of wraiths to skinride mortals. The devil enters a mortal at a moment of vice. Angels enter mortals at the moment of bliss. It allows a devil/angel to merge minds (and at a later date bodies) with the mortal. This is not a power that should be used lightly. When a player wishes to enter into a body at a particular location, he must first find a suitable host. What is it like for two personalities to merge? Any merger will be a unique event, but is generally challenging and somewhat painfull for both parties involved. FEAR (rank 1) This basic ability bestows automatic fear on any before the devil with a psyche. FLAMES (rank 1) This ability calls flames. These flames will manifest from raw ice if need be, but calling flames in some parts of Hell is forbidden. The flames can hurt a mortal easily. GOLEM (rank 2) This ability animates any object whatsoever. The best golems are humanoids. A minor spirit possesses the golem and the devil can command the golem as he sees fit. HARVEST QUINTESSENCE (rank 2) This ability is very common amongst devils and the basis for their infernal society. Devils need to harvest quintessence from the dead or their society (for what it's worth) shrivells away. Nevertheless there is insufficient quintessence to power all diabolic constructs and enterprises. Still most devils squander their quintessence with no sense of tomorrow. Quintessence is drawn from wraiths (purgatides) when they do one of the grand works. These works are (a) meditate on their nature, (b) decay, (c) pray to a higher force, (d) engage in hedonism, (e) dream, (f) experience energies, (g) create, (h) are involved with the primal animal aspect of their being or (i) travel. These are not to be taken literally, but refer to the spiritual sides of said actions. Coincidentially these nine greater works somehow appear to relative with the nine orders of traditional magi. Devils only care for produce and will (a) entomb (b) rot (c) drive them to despair (d) rape them (e) let them have nightmares (f) burn them (g) let them labour (h) let them carouse with spirits or (i) let them wander ceaseless deserts, all to harvest quintessence. The combination of these effects is (called) harrowing. HEAL (rank 3) This is the power to heal the injured. Pure and simple. The angels will get a lot of use out of this power if they become a little overzealous in their mission. This power will work on a Cherub's present host. HUMAN FORM (rank 2) This ability allows a devil to take a human form, in Hell or on Earth. The devil can normally revert to his original form but might be impaired by a gauntlet in some cases. ICE (rank 2) The devil can call ice, either freezing wraiths, calling hail or snow, craft icy barriers or impair machines. INVISIBILITY (rank 2) The devil can become invisible. LIGHTNING (rank 3) The devil can release electrical energies, either by shock, ball lightning, lightning bolt of lightning from the skies. LUST (rank 1) The devil can turn all affected generally randy. They will experience a desire to rut. MANIFEST (rank 2) MESMERISM (rank 3) With this power the Devils are able to turn mortals into their slaves. Taking control of their minds for a period of time. Once a mortal has been mesmerized he can be left to his own devices, doing what the Devils has told him. PACT (rank 3) POLYMORPH PURGATIDES (rank 2) For devils, all wraiths are purgatides and by defenition theirs. This ability allows devils to do something wicked with devils. It allows the devils to "modify" the personality, the needs, the manner the wraith experiences the outside world or his body. In the middle ages this allowed devils to torture the dead, but as the numbers of wraiths increase so dramatically, devils have begun devising more economic means of torturing them/harvesting their essence. POSSESS (rank 3) For game purposes this power is almost identical to the Cherubim power of Entrance. To the host though, the differences are like night and day. While the Cherubim Entrance is a communion of minds and a spiritual uplifting, the Devils Possession is an all out assault and rape. They tear free the mortal mind from its body and force in their own psyche. If the mortal is lucky the Devil isn't powerful enough to torture them, and must suppress them completely. If the mortal is unlucky, his mind will meld with that of the Devils, and he will be force to watch helplessly as the Devil goes about his evil business. In the real world this is explained as Schizfrenia. PSYCHIC DUEL (rank 1) RELEASE (rank 2) In all respects this power is the same as the Cherubim power of Departure. The Exit Chart must be modified a little to reflect the evil effect of the Devils. RESIST EXORCISM (rank 4) RESIST TRUE FAITH (rank 5) SALVATION (rank 5) This power is the Cherubim's only real weapon in their fight against the Devils. It is neither offensive or defensive, but is an armament all the same. The Devils possess Damnation. It is best to describe the Salvation in reference to that. With the power of Damnation the Devils can `buy' the soul of a mortal. This is to say, at the day of Judgement Satan would get first refusal on this particular soul (And as it is widely known, Satan doesn't refuse anyone). The Salvation is pretty much the same power for the Cherubim. Though the major difference being that a soul `bought' with the Salvation is not guaranteed heavenly entrance, it simply gives God first refusal. Of course, all of this is unimportant in the actual workings of this game. The major effect that Salvation will have on actual play is that once a mortal has taken a coin from one of the sides, the other side can never claim his soul. The effect of this power is permanent and can never be rescinded, unless the mortal himself actively choses the other side. With the expenditure of a Willpower point the Cherubim can create a `coin' of heaven. This materializes into reality in the shape of a real coin. Once it is taken by a mortal it disappears in a flash of light. A coin of heaven must be taken willingly by a mortal, it cannot be forced upon them. A word of warning. Passing out these coins like candy is a bad idea. Even though there are no restrictions on who can be given a coin, the act of giving a mortal a coin means the Cherub will be a `character witness' for the mortal at judgement day. If you give out lots of coins to mortals who don't really deserve it, then the Cherub acts against the Will of God (Or The Communion) and "pollutes" heaven. This power does not change as a Cherub raises through the spheres. SEDUCE PSYCHE (rank 2) SEE ONTO THE MORTAL WORLD (rank 3) SHAPECHANGE (rank 2) TELEPORT TO KNOWN LOCATION (rank 1) TEMPTATION (rank 3) TESTING (rank 2) TITILLATE (rank 2) TORMENT (rank 1) With this power the Devils can inflict pain upon a target. This pain generally leads the subject into despair and ultimately into sin. TRUTH (rank 4) This power allows the Cherubim to glean the truth from a mortal, even if he wishes to lie. The power is the same through all the spheres, all that changes is what is requited to make the power active. If the target says the required phrase (see bellow) he is unable to lie to the Cherubim in any matter. The target of this power does not have to know the purpose he is reciting such a phrase. In fact, if a Cherub overhears someone saying the required phrase he can spend his Willpower point and use this power. The power only works for the caster. A target may not be able to lie to the Cherub, but he could still lie to anyone else who asks him a question. WILL'O THE WISP FORM (rank 3) WISH (rank 4) 5.DIABOLICK DOGMA Devils are a superstitious lot. All devils hold some faith, an insane dogma that rhymes their overinflated ego, delerious desires and their damned condition. The dogmae are all more or less accepted principles of Hell. A devil who has no dogma is considered a plebian (i.e. demon) and this is registered on his Infernal Documentation. ARMAGEDDONISTS (Dramaticians) Armageddonists are a small but powerfull group of devils. In Hell they are considered an artistic of somewhat deranged elite. Armageddonists no longer find pleasure in Hell and they are overcome by despair. They can no longer find any solace in the doctrines and the pursuit of sin and have come to hope for Armageddon, The Apocalypse, Doomsday, The Youngest Day, Judgement or whatever. They alternately spend their time lamenting their cursed state and producing works of exalted infernal art, while behind the scenes they are scheming to bring closer the Destruction of all reality. ARTIFICERS, THE (Crafters) The crafters are a small but influential organization in Hell. They claim to have spread civilization in Hell (which is a bit of an exaggeration) and on earth. The latter might be true, if not for the existence of angels. Artificers have in all likelyhood become a powerfull institution because they manufacture many of the weapons that are used in Hellish battles. BEAST OF WAR DEVILS (Apocalyptics) Some Devils are a lusty lot, others are backstabbing fiends, while most are insane. The Beast of War Devils are warriors. They worship violence in all its forms and glorify it as the law of nature. Beast of War devils used to be a serious problem and have cast Hell into numerous bloody civil wars. DEMONISTS (Plebians) Demons are the middleclassed citizins from Hell. They are no longer a part of the Infernal doctrine of Infernal Hierarchy. That means they no longer practice evil as a seperate virtue, but they are still as viciously sadistic and sinfull as they can get away with. Demons generally do whatever they will and oppose the draconic principles of the doctrine with a vengeance. FUNDAMENTALISTS (Bureaucrats) Possibly the largest and hence most divided group of Devils in Hell. The fundamentalists base their existance on the interpretation and explanation of the doctrines of Hell. These doctrines can be considered an Anti-Bible. The Fundamentalists are the one force in Hell that after millenia still commands loyalty to the doctrines. They are not theocrats, and "explain" Iehova as a creationay myth. Fundamentalists are led by the demoness Astaroth. IRRATIONALISTS (Dionysans) Essentially the irrationalists deny the existence of Iehova in all things. They do this by the most extreme lies and misinformation campaigns they can muster. They have spread the idea that aliens created life on earth. Other irrationalist devils are blamed for creating other religions than monotheism; they are blamed for new age conscience. Essentially they do everything and anything that will diminish the believability of either Iehova, Heaven or (more secretly) the Infernal doctrines. PLUTOCRATS (Mammonytes) The plutocrates are a powerfull force in Hell. They place no principle higher than the accumulation of wealth (i.e. Greed) and their avarice is often even a more important passtime than the Infernal doctrine. Plutocrats are a large force in Hell and they constantly seek to draw humanity into the Plutocratic fold. The plutocrats have a leader of sorts and his name is Mammon. REPUBLICANS (Illuminati) The devils that desire a republic where devils according to shares of citizinship elect a president to govern them. The republicans are a development of the last few centuries. Outwardly they are full of equality and abolishment of the Infernal doctrine, but inwardly they are sinners and relish in their corrupt system. The president of Hell is Belial and he rules only the republican area's of Hell. SATANISTS (Conservatives) The devils who fear, love (are envious of) and therefore worship Satan in His form as "Satan", the archenemy. Satanists do no longer believe in Iehova and believe Iehova was one of the first Lies of Satan after he fell on earth. But they still retain the Satanic i.e. rebellious attitudes of Satan. Problem is that Satan his been "incognito" since the birth of christ and He hasn't been a public figure before that period. Satanists believe that some of his followers can attain the ability to pass into the mortal realm. THEOCRATS (Inquisition) These devils believe they obey the will of Iehova by ruling hell and waging retribution against sinners. The Theocrats surround themselves with attributes of Faith in order to show they still believe in God, though inwardly they curse that He has not given any sign or has as jet rewarded them on their loyalty. The chief theocratic devil is Beelzebub, who revolted against Satan, for His sacrilege against Iehova. They are fairly common in Hell and clot together. 6.THE DOCTRINES OF HELL No devil knows for certain why he is in Hell and what he is doing. Devils have a problem; they slowly lose their long-term memories. Most devils retain memories no longer than a number of years or decades. They start garbling memories long before that time has passed and have nearly forgotten everything after the indicated years. Devils don't trust scripture; changing script is one of the easiest arts of the devils and books explaining the past are likely to be untrustworthy or falsifications. Only the most mighty of devils know what has transpired in the past and they are spinning stories each next month so can't be considered trustworthy sources as well. Each devil has therefore a number of axioma's that explain their state. Some of these axiomas are heretical to some cults, and some are heretical to all the cults. Devils need axioma's; it's better to believe in something in Hell, for unbelieve leads straight to despair and despair is a terrible fate in Hell. 1: THE FALL Common Belief The oldest Devils fell from Heaven towards the young earth. They had little memory of what had transpired, but only knew that they (a) despised humanity to some extent, (b) had deeply rooted feelings of hatred for Heaven, (c) had some conflicting desire to go to Heaven, but a contrary feeling of resentment towards it and (d) knew that they were inherently evil. Satan is the most solid source of this dogma. 2: THE ANTI-HEAVEN Uncommon Belief Hell is an anti-Heaven. It lies topside (reversed) under Heaven, location Heaven "below". Below Hell lies purgatory, a barrier which might just be penetrable by humans, but is unbearable by devils. Hell has been created by Devils inside Limbo, which most likely is a side-effect of Earth being created by Iehova. 3: IEHOVA IS THE CREATOR Common Belief The creator of Heaven, Earth and Hell is the Father of Satan, i.e. the being Devils know as Iehova, though by most devils Iehova is popularly considered a horrible being, a senseless tyrant and a hypocrit of the worst degree. The only beings in reality that have ever talked about Iehova are Devils. There has never been any revelation of Heaven or God, unless you believe the statements of Christ, Muhammed or comparable visionaries. 4: CHRIST IS NOT THE SON OF GOD Common Belief By far most devils do not believe Christ was the Son of God. But unfortunately Christ displayed miracles, and worse, very spectacular miracles. Then there is the rumor that some twothousand years ago, Christ visited some parts of Hell and made a mess. 5: SATAN MASQUERADED AS CHRIST Uncommon Belief Some devils believe Satan visited Earth for some unfathomable reason to corrupt humanity. Most devils who believe this consider divine grace the best joke Satan played upon humanity, but can't start to comprehend christian true faith has power over them. 6: ANTICHRISTIANS Uncommon Belief Some devils are affraid Christ was a new phenomenon that is becoming more and more common on earth; buddistic ascension. AntiChristians deny the divinity of God, up untill the monent of ascension, whence he became a divine being merely by gnostic ascensions. Devils have tried to tempt buddha but failed and don't understand why. Devils have experienced the same trouble with Jesus, and hence believe Jesus is their worst nightmare; pityfull mortal humans being able to ascend on their own accord, with no visible intervention from Angels or God. If this practice would spread, the flow of souls into Hell would dry up and Hell itself would be struck by a terrible energycrisis. 7: HUMANS ARE FILLED WITH QUINTESSENCE Common Belief When humans are tortured they cry out to anything that might just be able to help them. This behavior can be directed so that the mortals cry out to God. This infuses the mortal with the tiniest speck of quintessential energies. These energies are in practice harvested, so this theory might just be right. There are however discrepancies to this theory, the biggset problem being the fact that some small minority of humans can be milked without them being tortured, or without them praying to God. 8: HUMAN SOULS ARE CREATIVE AGENTS Heresy This is the first heresy in Hell; The belief that humans are creative agents and can direct this creativity. Devils are particularly uncreative. They forget over the years and are rarely original. This disturbing belief (that humans could do anything devils can't) culminates in the heresy that total humanity has a creative power far outclassing the powers of the devils. 9: DEVILS ARE DEPENDENT ON QUINTESSENCE Heresy Devils are apparently dependent on the creative energies of God to keep their Hell in some form of vital existence. There are two ways to collect this energy; either by harvesting mortals by means of torture, the best way is letting them pray to Iehova, and a more dangerous but more effective way is to let harvest quintessence by opening conduits to Earth. Problem is that humans pests have first infiltrated, then attacked and have finally overrun earth since the renaissance. Now over onethird of Hell, and most important, most important cities, are controlled by colonial troops from Hell, by mortals. Furthermore: there are interventions (or so the Devils believe) of Angels and Saints in the World. These interventions leave divine energies that can be syphoned off and can actually feed Hell. The more Iehova intervenes on earth, the more energy their receive. But nevertheless the notion that the energy supplies of Hell are anything less than wellmaintained and secure amounts to abolute heresy by rumor controll. 10: SATAN IS IEHOVA Rare Belief Some devils simply believe Satan has taken them for a ride and is Iehova. Not many devils believe this dogma and those who do are ridiculed by their brethren. 11: IEHOVA IS WILLING TO SAVE THEM Heresy Some devils secretly believe they can be saved by Iehova and have converted to the religion of their 12: HELL WAS ONCE RULED BY DRAGONS Heresy * 13: THERE IS AN ESCAPE FROM HELL, EVEN FOR DEVILS Rare Belief * 14: LILLITH WAS ONCE HUMAN Rare Belief Lillith is generally despised amongst devilkind, but most devils consider her existence a fable. Still she is somewhat of a sex symbol, and many devils fornicate with her in mind. The reason is she "had" or "rode" some of the most admired beings in diabolic myth; Adam and Satan. Generally devils who believe in Lillith consede that she was once human and has been changed into some kind of Demon (inferior to a Real Devil). Acknowledging she was a human and now is a devil (if she exists at all) is considered heretical to some degree (see #15). 15: HUMANS CAN BE CONVERTED INTO DEVILS Heresy * 16: IN PRECHRISTIAN TIMES DEVILS MASQUERADED AS PAGAN GODS Common Belief * 17: SOME DEVILS FUNCTION AS INSURGENTS ON EARTH Common Belief * 18: THERE ARE ANGELS (WATCHERS) IN HELL Rare Belief * 19: EARTH IS HARVEST LAND Common Belief Most devils believe (and this notion is published widely) that Earth is a province of Hell and that humanity is in fact a domesticated animal that exists (created is a term frowned upon) only to be harvested by devils, solely for diabolic amusement and has no other significance whatsoever. Most devils who believe this doctrine believe there simply is no Heaven, and many who adhere to this notion also tend to acknowledge humans have some creative faciulties devils generally don't have. 20: HUMAN CIVILIZATION IS THE RESULT OF INFERNAL MISSION Common Belief Hell's missionaries are the sole reason the humanity became intelligent. Many devils claim that without a language humanity isn't even intelligent and is essentially nothing but a trained animal. Holders of this Dogma generally see humans in the same contemptous manner as white colonialists generally perceive black africans in the 17th century. These Devils will most likely exploit humanity. 7.DIABOLIC SECRET SOCIETIES Nobody in Hell or outside can tell how big these cults are. Some claims all devils are part of at least one or two cults, and with teleporting so common in Hell, who can tell? Official figures in Hell (which are by defenition corrupt) consider about 10-15% of devils active to some extent with one active society, and 5% to be core membership. Nephilim agents consider this amount at least 30-40%. ANARCHISTS (THE) Heretics (Nihilists) CATHARS Pariah's According to diabolic doctrine there is no problem if mortals believe in cathardom, an offshoot of manicheanism. Their souls go to Hell anyway. The main problem is when devils start believing manichean principles. The most sensored notion is the idea that there is an escape for devils into the Mortal world. If devils start preparing an escape, they might actually succeed one day. Cathar devils are treated like traitors, although they are quite common amongst the plebians. DRAGON CULT (THE) Heretics (Draconians) ENTROPY CULTS Heretics Some devils hate it all. They simply wan't to see what happens if you just destroy it all. The entropy cults are most likely small, but in some barrio's the Secret Police would have you believe that entropy cults are everywhere. Entropy cults are known for vicious attacks, assassinations, torture of infernal dignitaries and would even destroy the gateways to the material world in order to close the influx of quintessence. FRATERNITY OF LILLITH, THE Pariah's (Babylonians) A small group of devils follow Lillith. Lillith, the essence of what is Demonic (i.e. inferior) has never fit into the Infernal Hierarchy. Originally man, except for the fact that Iehova cursed her into Hell and made her a Demon. Her power rests on the fact that after coming to Hell she consorted (i.e. fucked) Lucifer for some time, and the second power is the suggestion that she ate from both trees of knowledge of Good and Evil, and the tree of Eternal Life. Lillith hides in Hell, constantly on guard for assassinations of other factions. IEHOVA'S WITNESSES Heretics Apparently there is a steady influx of Iehova's witnesses into Hell. And that's no problem; they pray well and are harvested excellently. But some of these have succeeded in converting devils to believing in Iehova, using their unique conversion techniques of persistent badgering. Many devils have become Iehova's witnesses and wage a well-organized rebellion from within the system. The only problem is that devils can be tortured and harvested for quintessence as can praying mortals! HUMANIST CONSPIRACY (THE) Heretics (Rebels) Many devils believe, and believe to have ample evidence, that many of their kind were created from human souls by systematic brainwashing. Some devils even go as far as to believe they might still be essentially human. These devils do despise humans and are thoroughly envious of them but will still NEPHILIM CULTS Heretics (Breeders) These cults state that nephilim are PAGANISTS (THE) Heretics (Ancients) Many devils have deeprooted sympathies for the power and vitality of original Pagan cults. They perceive the ideal of Diabolic ectacy to again reassert their controll over earth an ultimate ambition. Unfortunately many plebians cooperate with the human occupational force and the paganist ideals amount to official heresy. REINCARNANTS (THE) Heretics (*) RUMOR CONTROLL Secret Police (Bastards) TECHNOCRATS Pariah's Most devils are incapable of creative thought. Only the leaders are capable to understand the scientific progress humans have accomplished, but lesser devils have always been totally occupied with many other things. WATCHER CULT (THE) Heretics (Traitors) Some devils have the firm belief there is a secret group of angels in hell; these angels live in a state of semi-damnation and spent time in Hell because of what is known as "dualisms" in the commandments of God. One of these dualisms is that God damned lust as Sin only after certain angels had had intercourse with humans. Watcher cults make sacrifices to these Angels and essentially treat them like minor deities in Hell. Strangely enough, this cult denies that Nephilim have anything to do with these angelic watchers. Anybody else considers nephilim the offspring of the Watchers.