From: (Deird'Re Brooks) Subject: Storyteller-Ars Magica The Art of Magic in the Storytelling System: This is true Hermetic Magic, not the Hedge magic described in Hunters Hunted or the Egyptian Magic detailed in Mummies. Nor is it Thaumaturgy. Each Form and Technique is a separate magical skill. The Techniques available are; Creo, Mentem, Muto, Perdo and Rego. (Create, Understand, Change, Destroy and Control) The Forms available are; Animal, Aquam, Auram, Corporem, Herbam, Ignem, Imagonem, Intellego, Terram and Vim. (Animal, Water, Air, Body, Plant, Fire, Illusion, Mind, Earth and Magic.) Each Technique or Form costs 7 points to buy, and 5xlevel to increase. The maximum level available is Intelligence + Technique + Form x 4. This means that Intelligence of 5, Technique of 5 and Form of 5 gives a maximum of 15x4, or 60, or 12th order spells. An average starting Magus would have Form of 2, Technique of 2 and Intelligence of 3. That would allow Lvl 28, or Order 5 spells. A starting Magus has Free 5 Attributes: 7/5/3 2 Abilities: 13/9/5 3 Magical Skills: 15 total points, none higher than 3. 1 Willpower: 5 Backgrounds: 7 Freebies: 15 New Abilities for Magi: Talents: Finesse Manipulating your spells and performing special feats with them. You have to make rolls with this Ability to place objects delicately with your Unseen Arm, for example. The Ability is also useful for targeting spells and other such maneuvers described in Magic. Specialties: Grace, Precision, any one Form (but not Technique) Penetration Getting your spell through the target's Magic Resistance. Add your Ability score to the number of dice rolled and compare your successes to the target's Resistance successes. Specialties: Any one Form or Technique Skills: Certmon Fighting magical duels. Your score is added to the dice rolled while in Certmon. Specialties: Any one Form or Technique Parma Magica Performing a magic ceremony to protect you from Magic. The ceremony takes about a minute to perform. Once performed, the ceremony lets you add your Parma score to Magic Resistance rolls until Sunrise or Sunset. Specialties: Protection from any one Form or Technique Knowledges: Enigmas An understanding of the world in all of its manifestations, as a Criamon Magus possesses. You have a far reaching perception into strange and baffling phenomena, helping you understand their nature. This knowledge is used for interpreting dreams, riddles, puzzles, etc, as well as understanding phantasms or arcane or mysterious situations. The ability score can also be used to impress Garou, Criamon Magi or applied to social rolls in which you demonstrate a mastery over the mysterious. However, your understanding may seem strange or even ludicrous to the uninitiated. Whenever you roll for Wizard's Twilight, add your Enigmas score to the Difficulty. If you go into Twilight, you may subtract the score from the difficulty to control it as well as the roll to determine how many Twilight Points you gain (though you always gain at least 1). Thanks to this ability, possessors go into Twilight more often, but survive it better than other Magi. Specialties: Faeries, Interpreting Dreams, Explaining the Enigma, Writing Verse. Hermes History Knowledge of the order's known history, including its founders, major tomes, and pre-hermetic roots. Specialties: Tomes, Houses, Legal Process Hermetic Law Judging events according to the Code of Hermes and the Peripheral Code. In addition to the memorization of important precedents, this knowledge includes practical ability to enforce Hermetic Law - When to push for a vote, and how to present an argument. Specialties: Apprentices, Dealings with Mundanes, Tribunal Etiquette Hermes Lore Knowledge concerning the mystical Order of Hermes. It includes the general history of the Order of Hermes; the local, unofficial history of Magi in your specific region; the intrigues and goings on among members of the Order in your area; and a general idea of how the Order of Hermes functions as an organization, including its rules, hierarchy, and formal traditions. Specialties: History, Politics. Magic Theory Knowledge of what magic is and how it works, used primarily for work in the laboratory. Specialties: Potions, Enchanting Items, Inventing Spells. Using Magic: Casting Formulaic Spells To cast a Formulaic Spell, you recite the words in a bold, firm voice and boldly execute the hand gestures memorized as part of the spell. Roll Technique + Form + Stamina in dice. If your total successes exceeds one half of the spell's Order of Power, you take no fatigue. If you miss by one success, you take a fatigue level and if you miss by two or more, you take fatigue and the spell has no effect. Casting Spontaneous Spells This is attempting a casting of a spell you do not know, and are thereby improvising. Roll technique + Form + Intelligence. If you expend a Fatigue level, halve your successes, if not divide them by five. The result is the Magnitude of the spell. Targeting Free Shot: Automatic Easy Shot: 3 Hard Shot: 6 Very Hard Shot: 8 Incredible Shot: 10 Roll Perception + Finesse to determine how close it comes. Magic Resistance Type Penetration Total Formulaic Casting Roll + Penetration Talent Spontaneous Magnitude + Penetration Talent Mastery Mastery costs the spell's Magnitude in Experience to Master. Wizard's Twilight One Twilight point is gained per level of Vim. Temporary Twilight Roll for Twilight: Roll Willpower against a TN of 4+1/4 of your Twilight Score. If the roll is failed, you enter Twilight. Roll for Twilight Gained: Roll a single die and add that to Twilight Points. Roll for Control: Make an Intelligence roll, the Storyteller rolls a number of dice equal to the Aura of the region. If your successes exceed the Storyguide's, you have enough control to avoid negative effects and gain good ones. If the Storyteller's total exceeds your's, however . . . Fatigue Levels: This is an extra track of boxes alongside wound levels, and are treated in a similar fashion. If fatigued to incapacitated, the Magus is unconscious. Penalties to Dice Pools is equal to the total of both. Regios Level 1 to 5, use the modifier chart in ArM, round 1/2 results up, add this to your Dice total. If effect is a bonus, treat as normal dice. If effect is a penalty, count for botches only. Or simply subtract from Dice pool.