[Storyteller's Fast D10 System] [ Based on Ars Magica, Mekton and WOD games ] [ By Alexandre Pedneault Version: 0.1 ] Ars Magica is a trademark of Wizard of the Coast. Mekton, Mekton II are trademarks of R. Tsalorian Games. World Of Darkness, WOD, Storyteller, Storyteller System are trademarks of White Wolf Studios Inc. This file is not intended as a violation of any copyright law. --------------------------------- Contents: - Common Rolls - Difficulty Chart - Opposed Rolls - Combat - Attack - Damage - Adapting FAST D10 System to WOD Line of Games. ----------------- Common Rolls | The Common Rolls are the rolls are those which puts -------------- a PC or NPC against some difficulty. (Resisting poison, jumping, throwing...) But first, let's look at the dots. The dots are now representing a value instead of the number of dices you're going to play. 5 dots in Intelligence means 5 and not 5 dices. This value will be added to your roll. If you have an Intelligence + Etiquette roll to make, you've got to add the value of your Intelligence stat to your Etiquette value. (For example : You have a 4 in Intelligence and a 3 in Etiquette. By adding four to three (4+3=7) you have a total value of seven.) The Storyteller will then tell you the difficulty level you have to reach. (Look on Difficulty Chart, coming right up). Let's say you have to get a 12. You then roll the ten-sided dice (d10) and add the result to your total value. ( With the Etiquette + Intelligence roll mentionned earlier, you'll have to get a 5 or more on the d10.) A roll of 1 on the D10 means a botch. A roll of 10 means that you can roll the dice again, and add the new result and the ten to your total value. (As long you get a ten, you can roll the dice again and again. ) ( Taking the same example, the Int + Eti roll. You have a total value of seven. You roll a 10, then a 2. So : 7 + 10 + 2 = 19.) -[ Difficulty Chart ]- Difficulty Level Value ------------------------------------------ Child play 3 Very Easy 5 Easy 7 Fair 9 Average 11 Trivial 13 Challenging 15 Difficult 17 Very Difficult 19 Extremely Difficult 21 IMPOSSIBLE 23 I need a Miracle 25 Opposed Rolls | Opposed rolls occurs when a PC vs NPC or PC vs PC occurs. --------------- Basically, it works the same way as in any common roll situation, excepted that the Storyteller don't use the Difficulty Chart. If a opposed roll situation occurs, add the Attribute to the Ability you'll need in this roll. Now, the goal is to get the highest roll on the D10, because your total value + the roll will be compared to the total value + the roll of the PC or NPS opposing you. Example : Let's say Joe and Nancy are talking. Joe is trying to charm Nancy, Joe is making a Charisma + Etiquette roll (They are living in a high society.) scoring 9. Nancy is resisting by making a Wits + Etiquette roll , scoring 12. Nancy resists, and Joe grumbles. Combat| Combat is the mean reason why I writed this file. My players ------- were always falling asleep (when we play late) or reading or saying such nonsense that even the most manic Malkavian would appear as an interesting person to discuss to. Since we like Combat fast, so it don't get in the way of our role-playing, this system is not well detailled. Combat works as in a Opposed Roll situation. Attack : Attacker's Attribute + Ability + Modifier + D10. The target must now make a Dodge roll. As before, the target must divide is Dodge Pool between dodges. Dodge : Target's Attribute + # of Dodge Pool used + Modifier + D10 The highest of the two wins. (Hits or Dodge) Damage : Damage Rating (Strenght + 2 i.e.) - Target's Soak + D10 - Target Soak : Stamina + D10. As you can see, Combat is lethal. Adapting FAST D10 System | As said earlier, this is an OPTIONAL system -------------------------- I writed for myself. In it's current form, this system is NOT completely compatible with White Wolf Studios' World Of Darkness line of games. If you are a Storyteller, you'll have to adapt most of the directives given in the books. (Which I think is easy.) Let's take the Forgery action. Since we don't play with Dice Pools we can't directly take the : If you have 1 success.....) But let's say your Storyteller says :" Gush, you want a false ID Card. That's a .... Fairly difficult task." You roll. Oh surprise! The total scores ( Total Value + D10) is 17. The EXACT value you needed to accomplish a difficult task. That means that you went over 5 difficulty levels. (Counting the Fair Level) You look down one of the WOD books, and say : 5 success = 5 difficulty level. Neat isn't it? If you've scored a 9, (Fair Value) then you "went over" one level. (= 1 success). I'm sure you can work up things as easily as I can. ------------------------------- Version 0.1 - Written 4/13/94. By Alexandre Pedneault (profnut@Nyongwa.montreal.qc.ca)