Ascension's Right Hand Errata Faerie Companion: (3 pt Merit) You have a faerie companion, a friend and associate who's one of the wee folk - the changelings. Perhaps he is a Muse of yours, or your creativity feeds his craving for dreams. In any case, this fae companion tends to stay out of sight to avoid the humans, but he has a number of minor magical abilities which he will occasionally use to your benefit when you're in a jam. Of course, your companion may well expect favors from you in return for his generous, if quixotic, aid. The primary benefit of your faerie companion, however, is the advice he gives you and the access he can sometimes grant to the ancient faerie realms. In an extreme emergency, your companion might even hide you away in the faerie realms for a time! Beware this offer, however. One never knows the truth behind such an offer, and the price for the trip could be steep indeed! Shapechanger Kin: (4 pt Merit) By some quirk of fate, you are closely related to one of Gaia's Chosen, a werewolf, -cat, -raven, -bear or perhaps even one of the more mysterious breeds. The Changing Blood has not stirred in you, but it has left its mark. You are immune to the Delirium, the madness that claims those who see a werebeast's Crinos form in full Rage, and favored by those among the Changing Breed you're Kin to. This doesn't mean that you know their secrets, or that you can lead your mage to their sacred caern without retribution, but you have a certain edge when dealing with the Chosen that no normal mortal can match. Aside from the immunity to the Delirium, this Merit has no special system significance. You have a good chance to know some Garou Lore, though, and may share some common contacts and allies. You will probably claim some degree of affection from your relative's tribe and some animosity from their enemies. Kinfolk from the other changing breeds have an especially hard time with this Merit. Highly prized as breeding stock, mortal relatives of the Corax, Bastet and Gurahl are so rare that their benevolent cousins often go overboard when protecting them - to the extent of forbidding them at claw's length from doing something dangerous! Ghoul: (5 pt Merit) At some point in time, a vampire fed you some of her potent vitae, possibly Bonding you into service. Somehow, you broke free (possibly with the help of your new master), but the blood's force has granted you some of your mistress' power. In addition to a vague knowledge of vampiric society (one dot of Vampire Lore), you age slowly, have an extra automatic success on any Strength roll you make, and inflict an additional die of damage with all hand-to-hand attacks. (If your game integrates the Vampire rules, you have a Blood Pool, a dot in Potence and the potential to buy and use other Disciplines). This does not come without cost, however. You must continue to feed on vampire blood occasionally, otherwise you will regain your mundane mortality and crave forever the sweet rush of your former mistress' essence. Should you revert (after going a month or more without the sacred vitae), you will lose your supernatural might forever.