GAMMA WORLD Cryptic Alliances The Hand of Man [True Lifers] by Keith Johnson This militant organization is mostly composed of pure strain and altered humans, although there are mutated animals and sentient plants in their ranks. They stand for a Gamma Terra populated solely by natural intelligences; they hate robots, computers, androids, and other artificial intelligences. This has no effect on other aspects of technology; they are quite willing to use high-tech items (especially weapons) to meet their goals. Their bases are usually small, hidden, and secret affairs. They do not live at their bases, but only meet there to formulate plans and centralize their organization. There are usually a few high-tech artifacts to be found there, ordinarily in the leaders' possessions. Traditional: Members seek to destroy as many robots and AI's as they possibly can. The only good robot is a deactivated robot. Reformed: AI's must certainly not be allowed to survive. However, non-intelligent robots can be useful as servants. This philosophy only applies to non-combat robots with an Intelligence rating of Interpretive (5-7) or below. Symbol: An open hand with six fingers, which represents its open membership to all genotypes. It is displayed on flags and shields. Benefits: A member is able to buy a high-tech weapon from the alliance at 50% cost. He must buy the weapon with the intention of destroying known, activated robotic units. The GM determines what weapons are available and offers the player his choice. He also gets a +2 bonus to his Use Artifacts score, but only when attempting to deactivate a robot or computer. Restrictions: A player must attempt to destroy robots and sentient machines if at all possible. He must also promote the supremacy of natural life forms. Experience Point Bonus: A player gets a bonus of 100 xp times his current level once per adventure if he destroys a robot or AI. Double this bonus if he destroys the robot single-handedly. Notes: Even though the meeting places are secret, True Lifers are generally open about their membership. Their leaders are always pure strain humans or altered humans with no more than one or two visible mutations. These men are usually heroes of combat and not always the best administrators. They usually have at least one plot going to eliminate some of their enemies (if they could get a hold of a cobalt bomb and use it in the Mad Zone, it would really make their day). They are vehemently opposed to the Followers of the Voice and the Created. They can be friendly with the Archivists, but only as long as they are helping to destroy a robot, and usually, the Archivists will only work with them if they are allowed to cart off the inactive bot to one of their temples afterwards. True Lifer player characters could be difficult to deal with in certain situations, such as when players are trying to get valuable information from a robotic unit (not an uncommon scenario in Gamma World). If all the players role-play well, it will likely end up a win-win situation. If not, the GM may have his hands full.