4th Edition Conversion of GW6 "Alpha Factor" Creatures by Chris Van Deelan Ba'crolbai [Endlessly Running Beasts] Number: 5d10 Percept: 15 Stealth/R.U.: +2 AC: 20(25 when using speed increase) MD: 15 Health: 15 Speed: 36 Level: 5 Hit Dice: 6(21) THAC: +5 Attacks: 1 Antlers 1d8(4d8 if charging) Int: Animal Morale: 4 Size: L(2 m) XP Value: 525 Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Herd Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Atmovore Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Climate/Terrain: Temporate plain and grassland Physical Mutations: Heightened speed(22), atmovore, antlers Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: None Description: This quadruped looks like a hybrid cross between a horse and a lizard. (It is actually a member of the reptile family.) It has an equestrian shape with scaly black hide. The three inter-twisting antlers curve forward and are sometimes up to 150 centimeters long. It uses these with great precision when attacking and if the Ba'crolbai can charge at its opponents for more than five meters, it will do quadruple damage. The reputation of the Ba'crolbai, however, lies not in its attack ability as much as in its ability to run relentlessly. A Ba'crolbai can run, full tilt, for more than 12 hours without overly exerting itself. This is due to its amazing metabolism, need for little sleep (three hours at the most), and its atmovoric nature. The Ba'crolbai has no teeth. Rather its mouth is equipped with sieves that allow it to capture tiny airborne organisms and constantly feed on them. Because of this unique metabolism, the average life-span of a Ba'crolbai is only two years. Once every twenty four hours it can double its speed for one plus MP modifier hours. Because of its speed, it is very, very hard to hit. Ba'mutan [Rock That Gases] Number: 2d3 Percept: 14(6 at night) Stealth/R.U.: +0 AC: 16 MD: 18 Health: 18 Speed: 16 Level: 8 Hit Dice: 26(91) THAC: +8 Attacks: 1 Bite 4d10 Int: Animal Morale: 16 Size: G(10 m long; 4 m tall) XP Value: 3250 Frequency: Rare Organization: Herd Activity Cycle: Nocturnal Diet: Herbivore Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Climate/Terrain: Forest, plain, hill Physical Mutations: Total carapace(16), immunity, all physical attacks, gas generation(16) Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: None Description: Ba'mutan are gentle herbivores that have evolved into extremely large, well-defended creatures. They resemble a copper colored armadillo with a dragon's head. Primarily nocturnal, they are almost blind by day, but have such acute hearing that they suffer no penalties for this condition. Ba'mutan are nearly invulnerable to most attacks and can emit a gas cloud when they feel threatened. This gas attack fills up an eight meter radius for 2+MP modifier in rounds. Any character not completely protected from the environment is affected; the gas does 3D10 damage per turn of exposure and obscures the vision. Ungoggled or unvisored characters must move out of the gas-filled space to see clearly. Ba'sleds [Rock That Burrows] Number: 1d4+1 Percept: 16 Stealth/R.U.: +12 AC: 15 MD: 16 Health: 12 Speed: 24 Level: 6 Hit Dice: 13(46) THAC: +6 Attacks: 2 Claws 2d8/2d8 Int: Low Morale: 14 Size: L(4 m long) XP Value: 1550 Frequency: Rare Organization: Family Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Carnivore Tech Level: 1 Artifacts: A Climate/Terrain: Ruins, desert, hills and mountains Physical Mutations: Ultravision, infravision, sonic roar(14) Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: None Description: Ba'sleds have evolved to a completely different grouping than most other animals, being neither mammal, reptile, bird or fish. They are bas, a new evolutionary branch characterized by an extremely hardy constitution and impressively strong epidermis. Ba'sleds appear as gray, hunched over bipedal humanoids with long, apish arms ending in large, wicked, claws. When standing motionless, they can easily pass for rocks. A goat shaped head houses two wide set eyes. Ba'sleds are extremely belligerent towards intelligent life forms. They can seldom be bargained with or telepathically communicated with because of their attitude. They can dig through anything but metal at their normal movement rate, clawing right through stone walls as if they were so much clay. They often makes traps by digging underground tunnel mazes, then making pits from the tunnel up to just below ground level. These pits will not support the full weight of more than one human sized creature and can drop members of a party of adventurers into the waiting claws of the Ba'sleds. In addition to the wicked claws, the Ba'sled also possess a sonic roar (triple strength sonic blast, with triple damage, and ranges) that they are immune to. Blaasuts [Giant Moths] Number: 1d10 Percept: 13 Stealth/R.U.: +16 AC: 12 MD: 14 Health: 14 Speed: 11 Flying 24 Level: 2 Hit Dice: 7(25) THAC: +2 Attacks: 1 Wing Buffet 2d8 Int: Animal Morale: 12 Size: M(2 m) XP Value: 105 Frequency: Very Rare Organization: Swarm Activity Cycle: Nocturnal Diet: Carnivore Tech Level: None Artifacts: None Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest Physical Mutations: Chameleon powers(17), infravision Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: None Description: This creature resembles the Blaashes and is a distant cousin of the Gamma Moth. It can have a variety of patterns and colors, all designed to blend in with the surrounding are as the chameleon power. Fire and heat will draw Blaasut at night. They never go out during the day, using their infravision at night. Blaasut present an immediate danger because of their strong wings. Anyone within six meters of the source of heat or flame can be attacked by their buffeting wings. The gravest threat they actually present is that they attract their natural predator, the Tsorsut. Once the Blaasut have fluttered over an area for more than two turns, there is a 35% chance that a Tsorsut will arrive, and that spells danger for both the Blaasut and any characters in the area. Boomerths [Bang Bushes] Number: 1d4 Percept: 17 Stealth/R.U.: +0 AC: 12 MD: 14 Health: 14 Speed: 4 Level: 4 Hit Dice: 6(21) THAC: +4 Attacks: 4 Cherry 2d6 Int: Semi Morale: 16 Size: S(1 m) XP Value: 480 Frequency: Very Rare Organization: Solitary Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Underground Nutrients Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Climate/Terrain: Any temperate except deathlands Physical Mutations: Berries(11), explosive seeds(16), immunity, fire, manipulative vines/roots(13), mobility, new senses, siesmic vibrations Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: None Description: The Boomerth looks like one of many fruit bearing plants in Gamma Terra, with the exception that it can pick and throw its own explosive cherries. It can throw up to four cherries per turn. Each cherry causes explosive damage (2d6+MP modifier). The Boomerth can even manage some limited mobility by shuffling its roots. It mainly uses this attack and movement as forms of defense. It cannot be harmed by fire, but many creatures bother it because they wish to consume its other fruit, purple berries. These berries grow on the Boomerth all year round, and provide 1d10 points of healing to the creature who consumes one. There are usually 4d10 berries on each plant each season, but if they are all picked the plant cannot grow more for two years. The berries must be eaten immediately or they lose their potency in one hour. The cherries may be pickled in nitroglycerine to maintain their explosive potential. Boomerths are not structurally sound plants; they shake and blow a lot in the wind. This never sets off a cherry bomb, but if hit by a sonic attack or a physical blow that causes more than 15 points of damage in a single round, the plant blows up causing 3D6+15 points of damage to anyone within 5 meters. Boomerths can sense movement around them through the vibrations in the ground, but not in the air. Therefore, they never grow under any kind of outcropping or tree where something can hang down and pick the fruit. Chotsliths [Bristle Snakes] Normal Large Number: 1d6 1d3 Percept: 12 16 Stealth/R.U.: +6 +6 AC: 16 19 MD: 12 14 Health: 12 14 Speed: 4 8 Level: 2 4 Hit Dice: 7(25) 12(42) THAC: +9 +11 Attacks: 1 1 Bite 1d6 2d8 Coil 1d6+7 1d8+7 Int: Animal Animal Morale: 15 19 Size: L(3 m) L(5 m) XP Value: 105 820 Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Pack/Solitary Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Carnivore Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Climate/Terrain: Any nonartic and deathlands Physical Mutations: None Mental Mutations: Mental shield(14) Special Powers: Poison Description: The entire body of the chotslith is covered with 10-30 cm long needle-like spikes. It can coil and look like any one of a hundred different types of spike plants found on Gamma Terra (it usually lives among these). The chotslith is a constrictor and attacks by both biting and coiling around its prey. The normal chotsloth can wrap around a man-sized creature 1d4+1 times. Each "coil" causes 1d6+7 points of damage. The larger chotsloth can wrap around a man-sized creature 1d4+3 times. Each "coil" causes 1d8+7 points of damage. The strength of these coils, for purposes of pulling them off, equals Strength 25. This accounts for the high THAC and the bonus to damage. The chotsloth's bite injects an intensity 16 destructive poison into its prey. The chotslith hunts by smell and, thus are just as deadly in the dark as in the light of day. Bu'daan [Those Which Fly The Moon] Number: 1 Percept: 16 Stealth/R.U.: -6 AC: 24 MD: 18 Health: 18 Speed: 24 Flying 36 Level: 12 Hit Dice: 52(183) THAC: +12 Attacks: 3 Bite 12d6 Claw (2) 4d12 Int: Low Morale: 16 Size: G(55 m) XP Value: 36000 Frequency: Very Rare Organization: Solitary Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Carnivore Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Climate/Terrain: Hills, mountains, and forest Physical Mutations: Electrical generation(15), physical reflection(10), electro-magnetic Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: None Description: A Bu'daan is the master of all it surveys. It resembles a huge weasel with great bat wings and is extremely rare. It usually lives in high areas and its fur brings an enormous price. When a Bu'daan is on the ground it is slower and can only use two attacks at most per turn. When flying, though, it can use all of its attacks (if airborne it can use two claws instead of a claw and bite if it desires). The electrical discharge is only available to the Bu'daan twice a day. When it discharges it sends out 10 electrical bolts to targets within 30 meters in one turn. Roll to hit as if it was a physical attack. Each bolt does 3d6+MP damage. The last attack form, the phlegm ball, is a bizarre one that is unique to this creature. A great ball is spit at a large target or a party. If a successful roll is made, the victim must make a Dexterity check or be trapped and the victim will suffocate in a number of rounds equal to 1/2 its constitution. Even if the victim is successful, it must make a second Dexterity check or they will be trapped for a number of turns equal to 30-STR. Next, the victim must make a health check vs Intensity 20 or be stunned for 1d10+6 turns. The range of effect is a 15 meter radius from the target point. The Bu'daan can muster up one phlegm ball every 12 hours. Bu'daan are extremely territorial and feed mostly on Tsorut and Yexil. However, they have been known to be cannibalistic and sometimes use their phlegm balls on each other. They generally do not eat humans or human sized creatures, as their size hardly makes the effort worthwhile. The exception to this guideline is when a large troop of human sized creatures are traveling out in the open. The fur of a Bu'daan is so thick and luxurious that it fetches an incredible price in market places, provided it is not shot up, burned, or otherwise greatly damaged and if it is no older than six days, so the tanners can properly preserve it. Daycuts [Bird Friends] Number: 1d8 Percept: 14 Stealth/R.U.: +4 AC: 20 MD: 15 Health: 15 Speed: 32 Level: 5 Hit Dice: 6(21) THAC: +5 Attacks: 2 Beak 2d8 Claw 2d4 Int: Low Morale: 12 Size: H(4 m) XP Value: 525 Frequency: Common Organization: Flock Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Insectrivore Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Climate/Terrain: Any except Deathlands Physical Mutations: Absorption(12), sonic attacks, or immunity, sonic attacks, heightened physical attributes, Dexterity, photogeneration(13) Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: None Description: Daycuts are four-meter tall bipedal birds who have no flight wings, but are covered with large feathers. They are also colorblind. Once properly trained, a daycut will tolerate a saddle, but prefers a rider who rides bareback. Daycuts seem to relish close quarter combat. They are unbelievable in their ability to zigzag as they run, a rider must strap himself on to stay mounted or jump off to save his neck (or make a moderate Dexterity roll every turn just to stay on). Once in battle, daycuts are quite fierce and loyal. Ekolas [Fur Balls] Number: 1d20 Percept: 18 Stealth/R.U.: +10 AC: 14 MD: 12 Health: 12 Speed: 4 Level: 2 Hit Dice: 3(11) THAC: +2 Attacks: 1 Bite 1d4 Int: Low Morale: 4 Size: T(15 cm) XP Value: 70 Frequency: Common Organization: Family Activity Cycle: Any Diet: Herbivore Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: C Climate/Terrain: Ruins, plains, forest, hills, mountains, desert, and swamps Physical Mutations: None Mental Mutations: Temporal fugue(9) Special Powers: None Description: Ekola are 15 centimeter long mammals that closely resemble kangaroo rats. They have four limbs and s prehensile tail, but most of their movement is primarily done by hopping on their hind legs. When hopping, the tail is wound around the body trunk to protect it. Naturalists believe that an ekola's tail is as sensitive as a human fingertip and can easily sort and pick up even minute items. Their body is covered with soft, long fur that is either all white, all black or black and white striped. Unfortunately for wild ekola, their hides are prized for their warmth and splendor and ekolas are trapped extensively in the wilderness. They also make wonderful pets and are quite harmless. A good teacher who spends time with his ekola can teach it numerous tricks and commands, up to eight different ones including fetching small objects, pushing buttons, delivering and dropping objets over a short distance, and so on. Holcut [Ugly Friends] Number: 1d12 Percept: 20 Stealth/R.U.: +3 AC: 16 MD: 15 Health: 15 Speed: 16 Level: 5 Hit Dice: 10(35) THAC: +5 Attacks: 1 Bite 3d6 Int: Low Morale: 6(18) Size: S(1 m) XP Value: 525 Frequency: Uncommon Organization: Pack Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: None Climate/Terrain: Ruins, forest, and plains Physical Mutations: Heightened senses, vision and smell Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: None Description: Holcut are quadruped mammals, have rough, reddish-brown, rhino-like hide and have two rows of teeth that are designed to rip and shred. Otherwise they are built like a normal dog and occupy that position in many people's lives. Easily trained and very intelligent, a holcut can learn up to six tricks or commands from a proper trainer. They have become very popular hunting and guard animals over the years. Their funny looking muzzle houses an elaborate olfactory system full of baffles and filters, anything that attacks by inhalation has no effect on them. Holcut can be quite lovable and fun to have around. Encountering a pack of holcut in the wild can be dangerous. Their excellent eyesight makes them marvelous hunting companions and combined with their intelligence and teeth, fearsome predators. Frid Esk [Phoenix Hedges] Number: 1d4 Percept: 15 Stealth/R.U.: +3 AC: 13 MD: 13 Health: 13 Speed: 0 Level: 3 Hit Dice: 9(32) THAC: +3 Attacks: 1-4 Bite 1d6+1 Int: Non Morale: None Size: H(6 m long; 2 m tall) XP Value: 325 Frequency: Rare Organization: None Activity Cycle: Day Diet: Carnivore Tech Level: 0 Artifacts: B Climate/Terrain: Any except underground Physical Mutations: Carnivorous jaws(13), heightened sense, smell, radar, spikes(16) Mental Mutations: None Special Powers: Radiation Description: Phoenix hedges are long, low hedges that perfectly match other, normal hedges in the same geographical locale. They are called Phoenix Hedges because they can be hacked, burned, radiated, chemically defoliated, etc. and will still grow back within a week. The only way to destroy them is to dig underground and rip out their short, thick roots. The problem with this is that when their roots are exposed to light of day (even overcast days) they will emit a radiation blast of intensity level 24 to anyone within a 10 meter radius of the plant. They can only emit this blast once a week. Frid esk cannot move; they rely on their sense of smell and radar to locate passing creatures, then try to grab them with their jaws. Normally, the frid esk's spikes are retracted and cannot be seen; however, the spikes immediately snap out when the plant is touched. Their greatest source of food is the small birds and animals that come to hide or nest in the frid esk. The animal enters, the hedge snaps out its spikes, usually impaling and entrapping the animal, and dinner is served.