The Dungeon World setting lies within the inside of a world. The exterior of the world is left up to the DM as it will not come into play. Dungeon World is in fact a network of caves that revolve around a center point that is actually a shaft that stretches upward and downward as far as the eye can see. There are hundreds of ledges and openings that lead to the different "civilized" areas. As for the inhabitants of this strange place, one can really use his imagination. All caverns are assumed to be lined with a special moss that radiates light, but no heat. Thus far, no one has learned how to grow it or transport it. Luckily it has been within all of the caverns that are inhabited. Below I have done a general overview of the "civilized" areas starting at the "top." THE FREE CITIES: The topmost mile of "civilized" caverns are inhabited by the giants of the Free cities. There is no form of government in the cities and everyone lives in a complete anarchy, free to do whatever they please. There is a catch, however, you must be a giant. Any non-giant that should walk through the streets of the cities are subject to being enslaved. Due to their lack of government, thieves are also scarce. Any item that someone needs can be stolen and nothing can be done about it, except fight for it or steal it back. They are still extremely primitive in nature as can be gathered by their lack of ability to do anything organized. THE DRACONIAN EMPIRE: The next two miles down is the Empire Draconis. The emperor Alec Dracos rules over the entire area in absolute power. His empire is relatively peaceful and trade flourishes throughout. There is a strong prejudice to their neighbors above, however; the giants sometimes form raiding parties when slave supply is low. The Dwarves of Stronghome, however, are their main source of precious metals and relations with the stubborn dwarves are good. Other races roam the streets peacefully, though no one, save those of human background may become citizens. THE MIXED CITIES: As the name may imply, these caves and cities are the homes of anyone who wants to live there. An absolute democracy, the ruler changes every few weeks. It is mostly a military state, however, and the Senate is often "influenced" by the militia. In fact, the Dark One, the General, almost controls the Mixed cities as a dictatorship. The legions that he controls are estimated at 75% of the entire population. Relations with all of the other cities are non-existent, as anything needed can be found within their caverns. STRONGHOME: Below the Mixed Cities lies Stronghome, the most fortified of caverns. The four-foot high caves prevent all of but the stoutest of humans to enter. Entering these caves requires passage through fifteen iron portculli, full with murder holes an other death traps. On friendly terms with Emperor Dracos, King Gantor has agreed to trade iron from their mines for food, cloth, and medicinal plants. Below Stronghome lie the goblin cities (or slums as they seem), housing the trolls and the goblinoids. Even further below are the drow. Not much is known about the Imperium of Salt, save that most of the population are slaves. The few that have made it below and survived returning home tell of men with the heads of octopi, that can fry someone's mind with just a thought. Others tell of frightening floating balls of eyes that seem to ignore anyone down there, fighting amongst themselves in some inter-racial war.