The Draconian Empire: Overview: A prosperous country, the Draconian Empire, under the rulership of Emperor Dracos I, rose swiftly into a direct military power. Existing with harmony, they have never experienced civil war, though have many a time been exposed to wars with other countries. Living happily in the Empire is first and foremost, and after that comes the happenings of the outer civilizations. On good terms with the dwarves of Stronghome, Emperor Dracos has set up a treaty with them to trade the dwarven war commodities as well as ore, and, in return, the humans give back the powerful knowledge they possess, especially in the form of medicines and herbs. Not all races are exactly welcome in the Draconian Empire. Since its first true rise, only humans have been allowed any status in the society, though since then a very small number of dwarves have achieved honorary status for service to the Emperor. Dwarves are looked upon with friendship, half-drow are looked upon with suspicion, half-orcs are discriminated against by their appearance, and giants and half-giants are looked upon with hatred and animosity. Located directly beneath the Free Cities, the Draconian Empire is constantly at strife with their neighbors above. Many times in the past and many more in the future, people will find the two estates fighting. Government: Dictatorship with the Dracos line in power throughout history. Population: One million humans, maybe another 2% of the population is made up of some of the other races, where dwarves are probably the most numerous of the minorities. Armed Forces: Although the standing army was much greater than it is now, from before the war campaigns against the Free Cities where they were numbered over 100 000, but are now a mere 50 000 highly trained militia. Notable Personalities: Emperor Dracos VII (989-1076): Emperor of the Draconian Empire, situated nearest to the Free Cities. He has led his people through many tough times and has even gained much support for his rule. A brilliant tactician, Dracos has managed to keep many of the attacks made by the Free Cities to a minimum. His diplomatic skill has enabled him to befriend the Dwarves of Stronghome, and many treaties exist between the two friendly countries. Up to the day of his death, he was well liked among his people and all mourned his passing. His death was brought about by the most famous giant of the Free Cities, Arongto the Bandit. An old and ailing emperor was brought to his death by the giant's blade. Notable Guilds/Organizations: The Draconian Empire, a very prosperous country of the Dungeon World, prides itself on diversity of thought and power of the mind. While the military is a good source of protection for them, Emperor Dracos and many of his successors relied mainly on the employment of mercenary units to fulfill their needs in war and conquest. For this reason, a large number of mercenary guilds abound here, and are well supplied by the treasury. One important note on the magic universities of the Draconian Empire is that they are the most widely used and are the most extensive of all Dungeon World. Emperor Dracos in particular visited the universities frequently to both further his study, and to enlist more wizards to his cause. Virtually all guilds exist within the Draconian Empire, some more powerful than others, but they exist almost harmoniously with eachother. Temples and churches, although frequent, appear only for human usage and represent only human gods.