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KDE fix?

If anyone running KDE is bored, I've developed an xwpe patch for the
"Apply fonts and colors to non-KDE applications" feature.  It should
block non-fixed width fonts from being used in xwpe.  I think this
should fix the xwpe problem.

Dennis Payne

--- WeXterm.c.orig	Thu Mar 25 20:34:02 1999
+++ WeXterm.c	Thu Mar 25 08:31:10 1999
@@ -101,8 +101,20 @@
  if((WpeXInfo.font = XLoadQueryFont(WpeXInfo.display, font_name)) == NULL)
   fprintf(stderr, "Xwpe: unable to open font \"%s\", exiting ...\n",
-          font_name);
+    font_name);
+ }
+ if (WpeXInfo.font->max_bounds.width != WpeXInfo.font->min_bounds.width)
+ {
+  fprintf(stderr, "Xwpe: Font \"%s\" not fixed width using default\n",
+    font_name);
+  font_name = "8x13";
+  if((WpeXInfo.font = XLoadQueryFont(WpeXInfo.display, font_name)) == NULL)
+  {
+   fprintf(stderr, "Xwpe: unable to open font \"%s\", exiting ...\n",
+     font_name);
+   exit(-1);
+  }
  WpeXInfo.font_height = WpeXInfo.font->max_bounds.ascent +