Turtle Jedi 2

Turtle Jedi 2

"Beep. Boo-woop," came the sound of the astromech droid as Leo's jedi interceptor took off.

"I know we should bring the holocron back to the Jedi council, R1-H6. But I can't leave my friend in the hand of the Separatists. Mike will make sure the council gets the holocron," answered Leo.

The ship blasted into space. Leo began scanning the area for any trail of the ship that took Don. The ion trail hadn't faded yet.

"R1-H6 calculate possible hyperspace destinations based on the last know heading," commanded the jedi.

A list of star systems appeared on the screen. None of them seemed particularly important to the Seperatists. He nearly jumped to the first system on the list but he remembered his jedi training. Instead he sat back and reached out with the force. He recalled his time with Don back on his homeworld.

"Ocrestea," Leo announced. "Set a course for Ocrestea, R1."

"Doo-zeep. Woo-oop," protested R1.

"I don't care that you gave it a thirty percent chance. Don is in the Ocrestea system. I can feel him."

It took several minutes for R1 to calculate the jump to hyperspace. Leo docked with the hyperspace module while the droid worked. Once the calculations were complete, stars streaked together as the jump initiated.

After several hours, the ship dropped back to normal space. Leo furiously studied the immediate area. Determining that they hadn't jumped into the middle of enemy ships, he released the hyperspace module.

The scans revealed a faint ion trail to the second planet in the system. It was the only inhabited planet in the system so the ion trail could be from another ship not the kidnappers. Still with no other leads, he headed for the planet. The sentient natives of the planet were aquatic fish people called Vermons. They possessed two arms but no legs. Due to their difficulty in traveling, very few left the planet.

Before Leo could read anymore his sensors alerted him to a closing ship. Scans showed it to be a Belbullab-22 heavily modified. It's shields and weapons were ready.

Leo brought his weapons online and swung the ship around. As he closed he was surprised to see a Vermon piloting the craft.

"That's not possible they can't survive in space," declared Leo as he dodged laser blasts.

"Beep-woop. Zee," answered R1-H6.

"I know I can't survive in space either," yelled Leo as he returned fire. "Cybernetic legs? A modified Belbullab-22? Looks like General Grievous made a deal with the natives. We need to destroy that ship before he can alerted anyone else to our position."

In the hands of a good pilot the Belbullab-22 can be a difficult opponent but the Vermon was clearly not a seasoned pilot. With a quick maneuver, Leo managed to get behind the ship. The lasers tore through the enemy's shields and hull. The opponent exploded into pieces.

"Any signs they detect us?" asked Leo.

"Zee-oop," answered the droid.

"Good," replied the jedi. "It looks like there is only one major land based city. We'll set down outside of the city and I'll hike in to find Don. Stay strong Don. I'm coming to get you."