A glowing gateway opened on the wall before you. You stepped through and saw several other people who look like you. A mushroom person said their Empress has been taken. She managed to open gateways to different dimensions to bring you here to free her. She managed to make a gateway gun for each of you to help.
Drachtin was accidentally brought into the world by a gateway. His snails and slugs have overrun the empire. He used a poison to convert some mushroom people into zombie servants.
Deathcaps are mushroom people who have been poisoned by Drachtin. They can be jumped on but perhaps the poison could be removed.
Stomping on this snail causes it to retreat into it's shell. You can knock of the shell into other enemies. Be careful it doesn't bounce back into you.
Insecterin Escart
Drachtin grafted insect wings onto these snails. They can fly some. Stompping one causes the wings to fall off.
The mutation that produced these giant ladybugs also made them immune to fireballs.
Axe Slug
The axe tossing slugs are often found in pairs. It takes careful timing to stomp them.
Spinerin Escart
A little smaller than a regular Escart, the sharp spikes on their shell makes it dangerous to stomp on them.
Stormerin Slug
This slug flies through the sky on a storm cloud. He drops Spinerin Escarts down at you.
Spinerin Escart Shell
The Spinerin Escart retracts into it's shell until it lands on the ground. Do not touch the spikes.
An unsual fish from Drachtin's world. They have bat like wings which they can use to jump out of the water.
This octopus will hunt you in the water. You cannot stomp on it.
Cannon Bob
This living cannon ball loves to crash into things. He can be jumped on to stop him.
These living balls of lava are best to avoid.
Drachtin is a dragon snail. He breathes fire and is hard to kill.
Elder Sporegus
The older sporegus did not succum to the poison that altered the rest of their people.
Questions or comments can be sent to dulsi@identicalsoftware.com.