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New World: Dragonkin Legends

Coyote's Howl

The dragon people did not always measure the passage of time. Like the great dragons, their bodies remained strong even after hundreds of winters. Over time their numbers grew until it proved problematic to house and feed everyone.

A great medicine man Nahcomence suggested that some visit the spirit world for a time. Their bodies would be preserved so they can be called back.

The Coyote had been wandering a the outskirts of the gathering. He jumped into the center and declared that the idea was short-sighted. The dragonkin numbers would still be unsustainable so he suggested that trip should be one way. That each generation leave the physical world for their descendants.

The people chased the scaleless spirit away for at that time the scaleless were believed to be of inferior value. Losing their friends and family forever was not something they wanted to contemplate.

Nahcomence prepared a great house of snakeskin and feathers to hold the journeyers. He taught each person the song of the wanderer. They would follow that tune to return to their bodies.

Many days after the first volunteers left the physical world, the medicine man began the song to bring them home. Nahcomence jumped as a long rising and falling note pierced the night's silence. He started again ignoring the sound. Soon more howls filled the night.

Frustrated the dragonkin ran into the night to find the source of the sound. He caught sight of a coyote scurrying off in the moonlight. At that moment Nahcomence was enlightened. No spirits would hear his song with the howling of the dogs.

Canine creatures were reviled for numerous years due to the treachery of the Coyote. Even now the dragonkin refuse to share scraps with his kind. Many silently reflect on the wisdom of his action but few openly petition the spirit.

Journey of Ihuicalt

Of all the dragons to soar through the clouds, Ihuicalt was perhaps the greatest. A diving peregrine could not escape Ihuicalt. The hummingbirds admired his grace. Perhaps the only thing greater than his aerial skill was his pride.

Ihuicalt's mind became clouded by his power. He began to demand tribute from all who took to the sky for they belong to him. A living god he believed he be.

Other dragons balked at the idea of paying Ihuicalt. One by one the dragons fell to the ground like a heavy downpour. Having no other recourse, they relented to Ihuicalt's command.

While the few dragonkin who develop wings were generally respected for the strong dragonblood, Ihuicalt thought of them as bugs. He would tear their wings and laugh as they tumbled out of the sky. Soon none dared take to the air.

One day Ihuicalt landed in a village. Several wigwams collapsed. An older dragonkin laid trapped beneath the claws of the enormous creature. The dragon taunted the woman as he pressed down.

Fear gripped the villagers. Only the winged dragonkin Hole-In-The-Sky stepped forward to confront the great beast. “I've heard tales of the great power of Ihuicalt but I fail to see it,” challenged the warrior.

The fearsome maw full of teeth stopped in front of Hole-In-The-Sky. Large red eyes glared at the humanoid. “What did you say?”

“Have you ever visited the night's moon? Your grand wings may carry you faster through the great open but you will tire. With a week's hard flight, I could best you in distance and height,” stated Hole-In-The-Sky.

A mighty laugh cascaded from Ihuicalt. With a vicious smile, he accepted the contest. “We will fly for a week's time. When the time is up, I will swoop down from on high and swallow you whole.” He released the woman trapped under his claw and gestured upward. “Go ahead. I'll give you a little head start.”

Hole-In-The-Sky set off into the sky. Ihuicalt waited for the dragonkin to get some height before talking flight. The huge dragon whipped up large gusts of wind with his beating wings. He cackled as Hole-In-The-Sky struggled to regain control from the turbulence. “Ready to give up.”

“The small wings of the monarch butterfly can sustain a trip unfathomable to larger animals.”

The insolence of the man enraged Ihuicalt. He raced ahead to keep from simply eating the annoyance. After a few hours, he turned back and caught sight of his opponent with the superior vision of a dragon. The pitiful creature's wings flapped with the same steady beat as they did at the start. Against all logic the dragonkin acted like he could win.

“Why do you fight the inevitable, whelp?” roared Ihuicalt.

Hole-In-The-Sky ignored the dragon. This agitated Ihuicalt even more. By this time other dragons had heard of the contest. The great beast could no longer eat the offending humanoid without looking weak. Instead of just winning, he needed to utterly crush his adversary. He flew to unprecedented heights and continued onward.

Soon none of the other dragons could spot Ihuicalt in the distance. Upon hearing the news, Hole-In-The-Sky turned back to the village. The dragons questioned the sudden change of heart in the competitor.

“No dragonkin, perhaps not even another dragon, can fly as far as Ihuicalt in a week. But I know not to fly so far that I cannot find my way home.”


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Last modified: 2019-05-29, 03:00

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