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Sample Game List Screen

What is it?

Gamerzilla is a trophy/achievement system for games. You can keep your results locally or upload them online. The online server can be a plugin for Hubzilla or a standalone server. Games use the LibGamerzilla library to specify what trophies are available and when you have achieved them. Games can be designed to interact directly with the Gamerzilla server to store results but then you need to configure your Gamerzilla server information in every game. The expectation is that a game manager like GameHub will use LibGamerzilla to collect results and upload changes if you want. LibGamerzilla is available for use by both open source games and proprietary games.

How do I setup a Gamerzilla server?

Sample Achievements Screen

If you have a working Hubzilla server, the easiest way is to install the Gamerzilla addon. Otherwise there are .Net, php and python backends which use the same React frontend you can use. Detailed instructions for setting it up are provided in the readme.



pylibgamerzilla-0.0.1.tgz for python users (requires libgamerzilla) for Godot 3 Gamerzilla GDNative for 64-bit Windows for Godot 3 Gamerzilla GDNative for 64-bit Linux/BSD


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